MUÏAP 2 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A vertical cave entrance (pothole), somewhat rectangular in ground plan, up to about 4 m or 5 m wide (east-west), and 13 m long (north-south), where the initial, daylight-lit entrance shaft drops 15 m (northern base) or 22 m (southern base) down to a mostly soil covered floor sloping southwards. Here, at the base of the southern corner of the entrance shaft, a rift cave passage descends another 8 m and intersects at right angles a horizontal cave passage which continues some 10 m south-east and enters halfway up in the first (larger) Krem Muïap which is entered where the western wall of the daylight-lit entrance shaft meets the top of the final 25 m drop down to the final, dark shaft shared by both caves. SITUATION: The southern edge of the second (smaller) Krem Muïap lies less than 15 m north-west from the northern corner of the first (larger) Krem –>Muïap.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.18: Larsing Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, H. D. Gebauer (book, GPS), Betsy 'Betty' Chhakchhuak, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke and Vivian Kharnaior to the two potholes. 2001.02.19: Christine Jantschke (GPS), Thomas Matthalm (book), Anja Renner, Christian W. Fischer and Harald Kirsamer descended, mapped and explored. 2001.02.19: Thomas Matthalm (book), Anja Renner and Christine Jantschke descended, mapped and established the underground connection with the first (larger) Krem Muïap. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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