SHYIENG KHLIEH, ex Shynrong Labit (Krem)
An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to a relatively extensive and, in parts, well decorated (speleothems) horizontal cave system of relic passages (abandoned by streams). A series of vertical cave passages (pitches, shafts) descend from the floor in an upper level of cave passages down to a relatively huge sized bore passage which carries not only a kind of main stream but also gives access to lots of inlets, avens and side passages. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what has been christened with the nickname -Bat Skull Cave- which somehow got clothed --as if it were Khasi-- not only as Krem Shynrang Labbit (Anonymous, circa 2001.02 undated Mss: Krem Shynrang Labbit) but also as Krem Synrang Labit (KHARPRAN DALY 2001.03.07a, 2001.03.07b, 2001.03.07c) till Carlyn Phyrngap (2003 personal communication) suggested to use he Synteng Khasi Krem Shyien Khlieh (literally: Cave [of the] Top Bone) instead (note 1). Several more or less inadvertendly created spelling version add a little confusion (note 2). SITUATION: The only known cave entrance to Krem Shyieng Khlieh lies at an unspecified location and in an unidentified setting relatively close to the Krem –>Labit on Lum Dait Krong on the western flank of the Shnongrim Ridge. APPROACH: Starting from Krem –>Labit (Lumdait Khung) walk 40 paces (in spring 2001 between banana plants) to SSW (215°). Short of the first rock, turn to north-west (right-hand side, 325°) and zigzag downhill for 12 vertical metres, keeping a cliff to your left-hand side, till a depression in the north is reached (Kirsamer, H. 2001.02.21 personal communication). CAVE DESCRIPTION: We went down this fine new system as three separate survey parties. An extensive and very well decorated fossil series [sic! for: relic series] brought us to a set of pitches dropping about 45 m to a huge pheatic [note 3] bore passage which obviously carries a healthy river during the monsoon. A few hundred metres downstream we started surveying a massive draughting inlet on the LH side which we named -Use Dipper at Night- after a slogan seen on the back of a Shaktiman! This unfortunately ended at the base of a very high aven after 136 m. A circa 7 m climb here would need protection to reach a possible higher level tube. A bat infested side passage was also surveyed for circa 42 m and some bat skulls, ears and bones removed for identification … Having prematurely finished our alloted task we decided to survey upstream from the pitches but this ended at a blank wall after c. 88 m of fine bore tube. A small chamber was climbed into and a possible dig noticed in the floor. A grotty, wet inlet grovel was also partly surveyed for c. 21 m but not pushed due to deeper water, narrowness and the presence of many small, white, blind (?) catfish. Now that we know these fish are so abundant, this unleasant spot should be pushed next year as it will doubtless lead to the main way on upstream and may bypass the blank wall. A wet suit would be a benefit. Following another photography session by Fraser we surveyed a long, narrow, sinuous and muddy inlet opposite the base of the pitches which was still going after 148 m. It was named -Delight in Disorder- after a 16th century English dance tune for no good reason. I just wanted to use the name up! This again should be pushed further and may lead to a narrow choked shaft found in the upper series by Roger and Co (Jarratt 2001.02.08 Mss: Cave Log 2001: 8/2/01) SPELEOMETRY: At a survey length of 6'199.5 m, Krem Shyien Khlieh reaches a depth of 129.37 m (state of February 2006 survey) but Brooks, S. J. (undated 2008 Mss: Deepest Table 2008.doc) decided to enlarge Krem Shien Khlieh (sic!) to a vertical range 143 m, depth -143 m. PROSPECTS: There are climbs to be looked at and there is a chance of linking Krem Shyien Khlieh with one of te caves called Krem Labit in the region --there's always one around! CAVE LIFE: The cave is notable for the large amount of skulls, bones and ears (!) of bats (Chiroptera) found on the floor … it has a good sized blind fish population and at least one resident toad (Jarrat, A. R. 2001.02.08 Mss: Cave Log 8/2/1; JARRATT 2001: 34). Once there existed an effective poster (HARRIES & WARE 2001; 2002 in MEGHALAYA ADVENTURER's ASSOCIATION 2002, plates 15-16) based on a preliminary biological survey conducted in February 2001 which advertised cave adapted species including low numbers of predatory carabid beetles … appear to have only vestigial eyes. Other species included a depigmented and blind harvestment [sic! qua: harvestman], a woodlouse and an eyeless pseudoscorpion. An apparently blind [note 4] was also found in nearby Krem Umthloo [i.e. Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng]. Dr. D. Kock (Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Fankfurt am Main) identified bat skulls collected by M. Laumanns in Februry 2002 within a month as Hipposideros armiger armiger Hodgson 1835. Daniel B. Harries collected on 06.02.2001 a spider (Arachnida, Aranea, Pholcidae spec., species 1; Theridiinae spec., one specimen) and one Harvestman / Daddy Longleg / (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores spec., one specimen), and on 17.02.2001 another spider (Arachnida, Araneae, one specimen) and two Crustacea (Isopoda, trap 3 & trap 6). Christian W. Fischer collected on 17th and 22nd February 2001 many insects (Insecta) from traps: Collembola: Tomoceridae and Entomobryidae; Blattaria; Coleoptera (Carabidae and Cholevidae); Nematocera; Brachycera. Mollusca: Gastropoda: Monotocardia, Cyclophoridae (terrestrials), one shell, entrance region, Feb. 11th 2001 Fischer (Fischer, C. W. 2005.04.11 Mss: ArtenMeg.doc)Dr. Frank MENZEL (2001.11.22 personal correspondence with Christian Fischer): Insecta: Nematocera: Sciaridae: Bradysia spec.: B. procera group (1f, 17.02.2001). KOTTELAT, HARRIES & PROUDLOVE (2007: 43 table 2) list rem Shyieng Khlieh as Krem Shynrong Labbit among the caves in the Sutnga area (Litang valley: Shnongrim Ridge) in which the cave dwelling, nemacheilid loach Schistura prob. papulifera (Teleostei: Balituridae) has been recorded: Date Feb. 2001 D. Harries. In most parts of lower series of passages where pools of standing water [dry season] were present. Particularly abundant in large deep canals of standing water. Attracted to meat bait.ry 2002 within a month as Hipposideros armiger armiger Hodgson 1835. Daniel B. Harries collected on 06.02.2001 a spider (Arachnida, Aranea, Pholcidae spec., species 1; Theridiinae spec., one specimen) and one Harvestman / Daddy Longleg / (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores spec., one specimen), and on 17.02.2001 another spider (Arachnida, Araneae, one specimen) and two Crustacea (Isopoda, trap 3 & trap 6). Christian W. Fischer collected on 17th and 22nd February 2001 many insects (Insecta) from traps: Collembola: Tomoceridae and Entomobryidae; Blattaria; Coleoptera (Carabidae and Cholevidae); Nematocera; Brachycera. Mollusca: Gastropoda: Monotocardia, Cyclophoridae (terrestrials), one shell, entrance region, Feb. 11th 2001 Fischer (Fischer, C. W. 2005.04.11 Mss: ArtenMeg.doc)Dr. Frank MENZEL (2001.11.22 personal correspondence with Christian Fischer): Insecta: Nematocera: Sciaridae: Bradysia spec.: B. procera group (1f, 17.02.2001). KOTTELAT, HARRIES & PROUDLOVE (2007: 43 table 2) list ry 2002 within a month as Hipposideros armiger armiger Hodgson 1835. Daniel B. Harries collected on 06.02.2001 a spider (Arachnida, Aranea, Pholcidae spec., species 1; Theridiinae spec., one specimen) and one Harvestman / Daddy Longleg / (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores spec., one specimen), and on 17.02.2001 another spider (Arachnida, Araneae, one specimen) and two Crustacea (Isopoda, trap 3 & trap 6). Christian W. Fischer collected on 17th and 22nd February 2001 many insects (Insecta) from traps: Collembola: Tomoceridae and Entomobryidae; Blattaria; Coleoptera (Carabidae and Cholevidae); Nematocera; Brachycera. Mollusca: Gastropoda: Monotocardia, Cyclophoridae (terrestrials), one shell, entrance region, Feb. 11th 2001 Fischer (Fischer, C. W. 2005.04.11 Mss: ArtenMeg.doc)Dr. Frank MENZEL (2001.11.22 personal correspondence with Christian Fischer): Insecta: Nematocera: Sciaridae: Bradysia spec.: B. procera group (1f, 17.02.2001). KOTTELAT, HARRIES & PROUDLOVE (2007: 43 table 2) list rem Shyieng Khlieh as Krem Shynrong Labbit among the caves in the Sutnga area (Litang valley: Shnongrim Ridge) in which the cave dwelling, nemacheilid loach Schistura prob. papulifera (Teleostei: Balituridae) has been recorded: Date Feb. 2001 D. Harries. In most parts of lower series of passages where pools of standing water [dry season] were present. Particularly abundant in large deep canals of standing water. Attracted to meat bait.
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Anonymous Brown, Mark W et al. 2006; Indien, Meghalaya 2001; Harries, Daniel B & Ware, Fiona J 2001, 2002 (in Kharpran Daly, Brian D 2002); International expedition… 2001; Jarratt, Anthony 'Tony' R 2001.02, 2001b, 2006; Jarratt, Anthony 'Tony' R & Dawson, Henry Boswell 2007; Jeffreys, Alan Lawrence 2001; Kharpran Daly, Brian D 2001.03.07a, 2001.03.07b, 2001.03.07c, 2001.03.07d, 2001.03.07e, 2001.03.08, 2002, 2004, s a 2006; Kottelat, Maurice, Daniel R [B] Harries & Proudlove, Graham A 2007; Menzel, Frank 2002.11.22.
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.06, trip 1: Harald Kirsamer, Roger Galloway and SL: 321.63 m. 2001.02.06, trip 2: Yvo Weidmann, Amanda Edgeworth, Daniel B. Harries: 134.98 m (total: 456.61 m). 2001.02.07, trip 3: Harald Kirsamer, Amanda Edgeworth, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Yvo Weidmann: 732.3 m (total: 1188.91 m). 2001.02.08, trip 4: Amanda Edgeworth, Yvo Weidmann, Roger Galloway, Fiona J. Ware: 430 m (total: 1162.3 m). 2001.02.08, trip 5: Harald Kirsamer, Peter Ludwig, Rhys J. Williams : 917.77 m (total: 2080.07 m). 2001.02.08, trip 6: Allan L. Jeffreys, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Fraser E. Simpson: 447.31 m (total: 2527.38 m). 2001.02.10, trip 7: Harald Kirsamer, Peter Ludwig, Thomas Matthalm, AS: 1293.12 m (total: 3820.5 m). 2001.02.10, trip 8: Harald Kirsamer, Peter Ludwig, Thomas Matthalm, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt: 327.08 m (total: 4604.19 m). 2001.02.12, trip 9: Harald Kirsamer, Daniel B. Harries, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt: 247.84 m (total: 4851.03 m). 2001.02.17, tri 10: Harald Kirsamer, Simon J. Brooks, Lindsay B. Diengdoh: 523.64 m (total: 5374.67 m). 2001.02.17, trip 11: Mark W. Brown, Rhys J. Williams: 247.84 m (total: 5610.74 m). 2001.02.18, trip 12: Harald Kirsamer, Simon J. Brooks, Lindsay B. Diengdoh: 103.85 m (2001 total: 5657.06 m / -129.37 m). 2005.02.28, trip 13: Fraser E. Simpson, Graham Marshall and Brian D. Kharpran Daly … ook a t.v. crew from P.C.N to Krem Labbit (Paul Edmunds' Shynrong one) (Brooks 2005 Mss 'Meghalaya Diary' Monday 28th February). 2006.02.06, 08-10, trips 14-19: Mark W. Brown, Annie U. Audsley and Peter Ludwig … surveyed previously undescended pitches in the old favourite Krem Shyien Khlieh --nee Shynrong Labbit (JARRATT 2006: 7). Anonymous Brown et al. (2006): Wednesday 8th February -- Mark, Annie and Peter successfully relocated Krem Shyein Khlieh [sic!] (formerly Shynrong Labbit 2001) from the registry details. They failed to find the main underground pitch, but in the process dropped and surveyed a seris of undescended pitches ending at a too tight crawl. Thursday 9th February -- Mark and Annie returned to Krem Shyein Khlieh rigged a high level traverse and found that it had been surveyed. They then found and rigged the pitch to the main streamway. They investigated J.Rat's duck, near the base of the pitch. It was left ongoing with low airspace and light draught (towards the main stream passage). They also looked at couple of potential side passage leads. Cave left rigged. 2006.02.18, trip 20: A photography and bolting trip to Shyien Khlieh [sic!] was done … (JARRATT 2006: 11). 2008.02.12, trip 21: Mark rigged extra bolts in Krem Shyien Khlieh [sic!] for the session (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Tuesday 12th February).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.0 | RYNHENG (Krem) | ||
0.0 | LUM DAIT KHUNG, 1st (Krem) | ||
0.0 | LUM DAIT KHUNG, 2nd (Krem) | ||
0.0 | Lum Dait Khung, 3rd (Krem) | ||
0.1 | LABIT, Lum Dait Khung (Krem) | ||
0.2 | KHAIDONG (Whitaker et al. 2006) (Cave near) | ||
0.6 | URLE 4 (Krem) | ||
0.6 | URLE 3 (Krem) | ||
0.7 | URLE 6 (Krem) |