(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cave [of the] Fallen / Thrown / Discarded Axe (in Khasi / Synteng: Krem Liat Sde) consists of an impenetrable flood sink which is suspected to feed Krem –>Rngi (Jarratt 2003.02.10 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 10/2/03; Jarratt 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Liatsde). SITUATION (note 1): A guide is necessary to find the cave which lies somewhere below the village of Daistong (without GPS positions) at the level of the Litang (Leteiñ, Litien) River flood plain flood plain. TACKLE: Wetsuit and probably diving gear. CULTURAL HISTORY: A man (no name mentioned) lost his axe here (Jarratt 2003.02.10 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 10/2/03; Jarratt 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Liatsde).Cave [of the] Fallen / Thrown / Discarded Axe (in Khasi / Synteng: Krem Liat Sde) consists of an impenetrable flood sink which is suspected to feed Krem –>Rngi (Jarratt 2003.02.10 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 10/2/03; Jarratt 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Liatsde). SITUATION (note 1): A guide is necessary to find the cave which lies somewhere below the village of Daistong (without GPS positions) at the level of the Litang (Leteiñ, Litien) River flood plain flood plain. TACKLE: Wetsuit and probably diving gear. CULTURAL HISTORY: A man (no name mentioned) lost his axe here (Jarratt 2003.02.10 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 10/2/03; Jarratt 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Liatsde).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003.02.10: Paheb 'Respected Father' Shor Pajuh, Hoi Mat Phyrngap and Gstar Sing (Singh?) Tongliang guide Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, accompanied and interpreted by Babha Kupar ‘Dale’ Mawlong and Bat Kupar 'Bat' Lyngwa, to Krem Liatsde. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
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0.6NAN 2 (Krem)
0.6NAN 1 (Krem)
0.6NAN 3 (Krem)
0.6KHANGBRU (Krem)
0.7KSAR 1 (Krem)
0.7BRISYNI 3 (Krem)
0.7BRISYNI 2 (Krem)