Kotak (Cave at)
About 20 km from Ferenjal (note 2) near the villages of Bed and Kotouk (note 3) above the left (northern) bank of Ghorband River, and on the right-hand side of the road climbing up along the stream Zere Shebar (Jar-e Shebar) to the Shebar Pass (Kotale Shebar, Kowtal-e Shebar, Pai-i-Kotal N34°54': E68°15' nima.mil/geonames accessed 28.05.2004).
Various descriptions
A sizeable cave and spring (note 1) at the foot of a -rocky boss- (lit. bosse de rochers) with detached boulders (gravitationally dislocated, some tens of metres high). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A wide but low cave entrance, complete with water rising from a nearby spring, opens into the accessible part of the cave, which constitutes a relatively large chamber, partly filled with water. The cave floor is covered with stones, except near the entrance. Calcite formations (in French: -concretions-) are absent. A second cave entrance was seen on the opposite (?) side of the -rock boss- (note 4). CAVE CLIMATE: 1957.07.29 1957.10.06 12°C 11°C air in chamber (température de l'air du vestibule), 10°C air at road-side (température de l'air à l'arrière de la bosse), 10°C 10°C water in chamber (température de l'eaux dans le vestibule), 9°C water at back (température de l'eau en arrière de la bosse), 18°C 17.5°C air in entrance (température de l'air à l'entrée). CAVE LIFE: LINDBERG (1958: 119-120) collected from the cave floor and walls Coleoptera (-Carabique-, Staphylinida), Diptera (Muscida), and Arachnida; from bat guano (indicating Chiroptera) Chilopoda, Collembola, Coleoptera (Staphylinida), Diptera (Sciarida, Anthomyida, larva), and Acaria; from water Oligochaeta (Enchytraeida, Tuboficida), Ostracoda, Cyclopida, Harpacticida. JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1745-1747) list Crustacea: Copepoda: Canthocamptidae: Bryocamptus zschokkei orientalis CHAPPUIS. Crustacea: Ostracoda: Cyprididae: Cavernocypris subterranea WOLF = Cavernocypris lindbergi HARTMANN 1964. Arachnida: Acari terrestria: Parasitidae: Eugamasus lunulatus J MÜLLER, collected from bat guano (Chiroptera!). Insecta: Coleoptera: Trechinae: Duvalius lindbergi COIFFAIT.
Bibliography 06/01/2018Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
4.8 | SHAH NASIR (Cave of) | ||
15.3 | PROMETHEUS, Shibar Pass (Cavern of) | ||
22.4 | KHWAJA GHAR, Mazana 1 (Cave at) | ||
22.4 | Khwaja Ghar 2nd, Mazana | ||
25.5 | Sorb, Ferenjal (Ma'dan) | ||
27.6 | Malik Ala Dad (Caves at) | ||
36.6 | NAYAK (Samuch) | ||
38.7 | Farahgerd 1 (Coal Mine at) | ||
38.7 | TALAGUD, Fuligard, Fuligird, Fulojird, Fulodschird = Chahar Bagh-e Farah Gerd? (Cave at) |