The perennial resurgence of a river cave, which, lacking significant side passages, arrives from a sportive 3D-maze. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for this -krem- or cave called after an -um- or stream of water specified by something along the lines of -tler- (note 1). SITUATION: Near the base of the north-western flank of the Shnongrim Ridge. APPROACH: To reach the cave entrance, walk down some 750 m from the village of Mawkhain (on the crest road connecting Shnongrim with Lumthari). The entrance is gained by a small hole under a boulder at the foot of an overgrown cliff rising from collapse piled up to a height of 15 m above the actual (impenetrable) resurgence: On reaching the paddy fields we walked through a Bangladeshi coal mining camp and soon found the resurgence using GPS. A lengthy search for the entrance eventually paid off (Jarratt 2004 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Log 1/3/04). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2002a: The entrance to the river cave a small hole under a boulder at the base of a cliff in thicket, lies on top of bouldery collapse debris and about 15 vertical meters above the impenetrable resurgence which emits water throughout the years and on 17th February 2002 estimated 5 ltr/sec. The cave passage proper is up to 15 m wide, 8 m high and about 250 m, arrives from a boulder choke in the south, is rich in calcite formations [speleothems: stalagmites, stalactites, gour dams, draperies / curtains] and the water is up to knee deep (February 2002). There are no significant side passages. (Laumanns 2002.02.17 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2002b (sorry, literally quoted): Krem Umtler, south [sic! for: north-west] of Mawkhain village … Approx. 300 m of large classic streamway surveyed from resurgence entrance stopping at boulder choke. From left hand side of boulder choke follow draught to streamway then upstream through crawls (at this point climb up to encounter draughting crawl with stall [sic! for: stal, speleothems]which wold need to be broken to proceed) then back to stream getting more squalid but on going [sic!]. From right hand side follow sude [sic!] bedding plane to pool and short stall [sic!] passage staying low leeds [sic!] to shoulder hieght [sic!] hands and knees passage dropping into ? sump with ? duck in deep water could not pass without extra bouyancy. Climbing centre of choke leads to on going [sic!] wet suit teritory [sic!] with draught (Hodgson 2002.02.18 Mss). TACKLE: A 5 m ladder helps negotiating an overhanging climb in the entrance. CAVE POTENTIAL: Without ny doubt Krem Umler is one of the resurgences (the most north-western) of Krem –>Liat Prah. A difficult task appears to connect Krem –>Umtler with the bouldery entrance area of Krem Liat Prah. Phran Kupar -Teddy- Mawlong, however, discovered while exiting Krem Liat Prah at around 18hrs on 2007.03.17, when the temperature in the open air had become quite cool, a warm and moist air current issuing from below one of the boulders (nearthe south-west wall) high up in the entrance doline and already within the vegetated zone. Due to lack of time and because their was no obvious way in, this lead was left to be opened later. CAVE LIFE: Pigmented fish and crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura var.), a few solitary bats (Chiroptera: conf. Rhinolophidae), frogs, and pale cave crickets.the south-west wall) high up in the entrance doline and already within the vegetated zone. Due to lack of time and because their was no obvious way in, this lead was left to be opened later. CAVE LIFE: Pigmented fish and crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura var.), a few solitary bats (Chiroptera: conf. Rhinolophidae), frogs, and pale cave crickets.
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.17, trip 1: An unidentified local (no name mentioned) from the village of Lumthari guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Gareth William Lyngwa, Michael Laumanns, Paul A. Edmunds and 'Yorkshire' Dave Hodgson into a relatively large stream passage leading to a boulder choke. 2002.02.18, trip 2: M. Laumanns, P.A. Edmunds, B. D. Kharpran Daly, G.W. Lyngwa and 'Yorkshire' Dave Hodgson surveyed 244.45 m. 20004.03.01, trip 3: Robin F. Sheen, Quentin 'Cooper' Cowper and Joe H. Duxbury tried to join Krem Umtler to Krem Liat Prah (JARRATT 2004a, 2004b; MSS Cave Log 2004: 1/3/04). 2004.03.01, trip 4: Jarratt 2004 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Log 1/3/04): I laddered in for 4 m to reach the large, well decorated streamway. This was followed up to the choke in very impressive passage. Here Quentin ['Cooper' Cowper ] and I, wearing wetsuits, followed the choked streamway on the LH side while the others [Robin F. Sheen and Joe H. Duxbury] investigated the dry upper leads.We all got horribly lost several times in this lengthy and unnerving choke and after over 2 hours [without any alcohol, we] got totally fed up with it. Glad not to have been lost forever in this three dimensional maze we departed for the sunny surface and cool beers which we had providently brought with us and left in the stream. JARRATT (2004a, 2004b): An attempt to join the resurgence cave of Krem Umtler to the lower end of the system [Krem –>Liat Prah] was doomed to failure due to the immese size of the intervening boulder choke where fears of getting lost forever seriously gave us frights.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.2 | GRASS SKI-ING POT (aa -) | ||
0.4 | LIAT PRAH (Krem) | ||
0.5 | UM MYRTHEN (Krem) | ||
0.5 | WOOD CUTTERS POT (aa -) | ||
0.5 | AA Cave (Boycott 2008) A | ||
0.5 | AA Cave (Boycott 2008) B | ||
0.6 | Dngiem 1a | ||
0.6 | DNGIEM, Lumthymme, 1b (Krem) | ||
0.6 | DNGIEM, Lumthymme, 1c (Krem) |