Phet Na Kha (Tham) [LB0135]

Longueur 53m Profondeur 1m
Grottocenter / carte


Wat Tham Phet Na Kha is signed on the H2357. From the car parking in the forest there is a path up to the cave. Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020



Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

Hipposideros larvatus (Horsfield, 1823) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Ruadreo et al. 2019)

Brief description

Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

From the small entrance an iron ladder leads down into the cave. The large chamber has some shrines and many bats and guano. The larger passage was followed to the end while the smaller passage has not been explored.


Bibliography 19/02/2020
  • +Ruadreo, Nittaya; Voigt, Christian C.; Bumrungsri, Sara (2019) "Large dietary niche overlap of sympatric open-space foraging nats revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes" Acta Chiropterologica Vol. 20 No. 2 pp329-341


The cave was explored by Alexander Thoma in 2012. Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3.0Cave LB0043 - LB0043
3.2Tham Ram Wong - LB0011
3.2Tham Sing Tho - LB0012
3.2Tham Tai Din - LB0014
3.2Tham Phet - LB0015
3.2Tham Ploi - LB0016
3.2Tham Phrom Machang - LB0048
3.2Wat Khao Somphot Cave 11 - LB0077
3.2Wat Khao Somphot Cave 13 - LB0079