(Arki - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/04/2016

LThe modified natural temple cave dedicated to Lutru Mahadeva (Shiva at Lutru) is not only characterised by comfortable flights of steps, a daylight window and a perennial source of water close by (note 1) but also by speleothems painted with pink and orange coloured enamel, which include at least one venerated lingam (probably a stalagmite) along with a man-made idol representing the Nandi bull. The sacred site is situated on a prominent mountain, where »Lutru Mahadev cave can be spotted from various angles as you travel in and around the town« (BANDE, U 2001) of Arki (31°09'N: 76°58'E: 1045 m). ETYMOLOGY: The cave got »the name Latru Mahadev on account of the presence in it of a large peculiar stalagmitic formation similar to the shape of a Shiv-Ling [shiva lingam]« (Elizabeth "Liz" PRICE, L 1988b: 33 after SUD, O C 1959 / 1981: 55). The sacred temple cave has been referred to as Latru Mahadeva Elizabeth "Liz" PRICE (1988b: 33). Lutru »cave called Lutru« (CONWAY, J 1972: 73). Lutru Cave, Arki SAIKIA, U et al. (2011: 1641, 1655). Lutru Mahadev cave BANDE, U (2001). Luturu Mahadeva Internet (accessed 29.08.2004). POSITION 1972: 31°09'39”N: 76°57'57”E: 1390 m (Everest 1830, Glennie, E A 1972a Mss). POSITION 2011: 31°09'N: 76°57'E: 1550 m (WGS84, SAIKIA, U et al. 2011: 1641, 1655). SITUATION 2006: According to the official Solan district website, »Lutru Mahadev Temple … is located 4 km away from Arki« ( accessed 2006.09.09). SITUATION 2001: On a prominent mountain (note 2), about 300 vertical metres above Arki (31°09'N: 76°58'E: 1045 m) and north of it (BANDE, U 2001). SITUATION 1970: From Arki at a walking distance of »three hours south-south-west« (HODGSON, D 1970b) but posssibly rather north or northwest and 30 minutes on foot away. SITUATION 1972.1: The three caves »Dawaraf [Dawaras], Lutru and Nagdwar« (Matru Mahadev) had been reached from either one or several unspecified starting points by a »climb on foot for about one mile [one or two kilometres] from the road« which was understood to run without explainable orientation from one unspecified place to another (John Conway in: CHABERT & CONWAY 1972: 73). SITUATION 1972.2: Glennie, E A (1972a Mss) positions »Lutru Mahadev« at »N. Lat. 31°09.65': E. Long. 76°57.95': 4550 feet« = 31°09'39”N: 76°57'57”E: 1390 m (geodetic datum probably Everest 1830) and thus northwest and about 300 vertical metres above Arki. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1959: Among the caves at Arki, »the most spacious and the largest is said to be at least a quarter mile long and a few hundred yards wide. No speleologist has so far ventured to explore these caves, which will some day lead to many interesting scientific discoveries« (Elizabeth "Liz" PRICE 1988b: 33 after SUD, O C 1959 / 1981: 55). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1971: »We also found [sic! were guided to] four more caves [no names mentioned: Dawaras, Jakholi, Lutru Mahadev Goffar and »Nagdwar« = Matru Mahadev Goffar] in this same valley [no name mentioned: Arki], all 100 to 200 feet [30.5 m to 61 m or 45 m] long« (HALL, C 1971: 6). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1970: "Dave" (David "Hodge" Hodgson) and "Jim" (Newton) »spotted a cave [without recognised name] through binoculars and went up to have a look. [… forest of cacti and prickly bushes]. Presently a gravel path led across a cliff face on a ledge with vertical cliffs on each side of it with a flight of stone steps at the end leading up into the large cave mouth [unidentified dimensions]. The steps led past a flowstone formation painted pink and orange and two prayer flags and it was now obvious that this was a shrine of some sort. The staircase continued up a little way through a stone portal supporting a small bell and we were confronted by a flat concrete area with an altar and stone elephant [Ganesha?] before us. On a later visit the guru was in residence and we were required to take our boots off to explore. To the right a rift in the roof led up to the surface while on the left an annexed chamber opened off with the roof festooned with large bats and the way on blocked with calcite« (HODGSON, D 1970b: 2; 1971: 22). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1982: »If I remember, we did not pay to much attention to these caves, as they were very small and mostly horizontal« (Conway, J circa 1982.09.15 s.a. Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2001: In the vicinity of Arki, »one of the famous temples is the Lutru Mahadev [note 3] … Devotees, not only from Himachal Pradesh but also from Punjab and Haryana, frequent it … Interestingly, a Durga temple [note 4] midway between Batal Ghati and Arki, on the Kunihar - Solan road, is so situated that it is almost parallel to the Lutru temple« (BANDE, U 2001). CAVE LIFE -- Chiroptera: Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophidae: Rhinolopus ferrumequinum Schreber 1774: »This species has also been observed roosting in small numbers (c. 15 individuals) in a subterranean cave on a hillock at Arki in Solan District in the last week of May with some individuals carrying pups. One male pup collected had forearm length of 44 mm and weighed 11 g. The pelage of the collected specimen was long and soft and light brownish throughout« (SAIKIA, U et al. 2011: 1642). HODGSON, D (1970b: 2; 1971: 22) mentions relatively »large bats« of unknown size.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/04/2016

NOTE 1: A karst rising? »Nearby is Gangeshwar Mahadev temple which has a water spring. It is a perennial sources of water for Arki« (BANDE, U 2001). Compare the –>Arki Resurgence. NOTE 2: To reach this cave, both pilgrims and tourists walk uphill whilst the serious expedition caver »has to climb on foot for about one mile from the road« (CONWAY, J 1972). It is a relatively steep climb to the sacred site »high up on the mountain« but »spiritual fervour makes you unmindful of the difficult terrain« (BANDE, U 2001.08.18). NOTE 3: Lutru Mahadev Temple was built in 1621 by king of Baghal. Shiva appeared in his dream and ordered him to make his temple. There is a statue of Shivalinga here. It is located 4 km away from Arki. NOTE 4: Durga, literally "inaccessible"; »a form of Shiva's wife, Devi, a beautiful, fierce women riding a tiger; a major goddess of the Shakti sect« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005 glossary: 1107). Durga is the terrible, frightening aspect of the mother goddess Kali (DEVI MAHATMYA, circa 550, chapter 11; KINSLEY 1986 / 1987: 99, 107; SOMADEVA circa 1100; VAKPATIRAJA, ca. 700: Gaudavaho, Verses 285-337), the untamed and unmarried version of Devi, (The) Goddess, the supreme goddess manifested (VINDHYA MAHATMYA circa 1810 s.a.; HUMES 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996 / 1998).


Bibliography 07/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Arki Resurgence
1.2KOTLA CAVE (Glennie 1937)
3.0SHALAGHAT, Solan (Cave at)
6.0Saug Goffar