CHILLI CAVE, Lymoh, 1st

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A roughly 2 m wide hole between dislocated boulders at the base of a north-west facing cliff gives access to a descent which intersects 9 m down an estimated 240 m of cave passages (198 m surveyed and mapped), dog-leg shaped in ground plan. The downstream branch leads initially north-east but later north to breakdown and is choked (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 15th February) whilst the upstream branch leads south-west to the 2nd cave entrance (Chilli Cave, Lymoh, 2nd) in the north-western (orographically left) flank of the Phud Lymoh (Lymoh Gorge) or Lymmoh Canyon (ARBENZ, T 2012: 31, 212, 213) and Lymoh Canyon (ARBENZ, T 2012: 222, 221, 225). Either here or there, Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 15th February) discovered that this is a place where [an unidentified] the canyon goes underground to resurface in a likewise unidentified other canyon parallel to the first or, who knows, vice versa. An anonymous cave watcher was said o have noticed the presence of unspecified speleothems that were identified as calcite formations along the whole cave passage (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). EVALUATION: Not only a natural relict tunnel cave but also a dry relic cave with not traces of water flow. Possibly a former contributuary to the Lymoh canyon (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known cave name has been identified for what foreigners christened Krem Chilli (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli 16/2/10) to nickname rather a hot Chilli Cave than a cold or chilly cave (note 1). SITUATION: Near what had been in February 2010 a chilli plantation (note 2) above the orographically left (locally south-west) bank of the Kopili River, and at linear distances of about 3 km east of the village of Pala (N25°24'40”: E092°34'10” WGS84) or about 2 km approximately SSE of the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church nea 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m). SITUATION 2010a: Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 16th February) locate not a bizarre Soh Myngken Cave (instead Krem Soh Myngken)) but a likewise bizarre Krem Chilli (instead Chilli Cave) in a dry ravine parallel with Krem Lymmoh Canyon (recce’d yesterday) where the so-called Lymmoh Canyon is an attempt to refer to the Phud Lymoh as such (note 3), which is objectively 1.2 km long while the caving -surveyors- had the impression of noticing more than approx. 2.5 km without reaching the end (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 14th February). SITUATION 2010c: Arbenz, T. (2010.03.15 map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf) indicates Krem Chili above the north (orographically left) bank of the Lymmoh Canyon (Phud Lymoh). APPROACH 2010: Audsley, A U (2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli) falls back unto retarded drill-ground speak and commands Take road heading SW [sic! qua: due south] from Kseh church [note 4]. At N 25,2505.7, E92,35,31,7 leave the road [in February 2010 a 4WD track] & take track [in February 2010 a footpath] on left [sic! qua: south-west]. Fork right at N25,24,59.6 E92,35,44.5 [sic! qua: near N25°24'59.6”: E092°35'44.5”]. On reaching paddy fields, cross them heading south. Pass farmhouse at N25,24,50.0, E92,35,48.6 [sic! qua: near N25°24'50.0”: E092°35'44.6”] and continue on path heading south. At N25,24,43.7 E92,35,49.7 [sic! qua: near N25°24'43.7”: E092°35'49.7”] join a track and turn left [sic! qua: east] downhill [and] almost immediately take path on right [sic! qua: south] through woods. At N25,24,36.7 E92,35,51.2 [sic! qua: near N25°24'36.7”: E092°35'51.2” WGS84], the path enters [the mouth? of] a ravine [unidentified name: NOT the Lymoh gorge]. Continue to the cliff at the end of [the allegedly nameless] ravine (note 5) where one can find the cave Entrance between boulders at base of [a kind of an unspecified] cliff. APPROACH 2011: Take the road heading SW fromKseh Church. At N25°25’05.7’’ // E92°35’31.7’’ leave the road and take the track on the left. Fork right at N25°25’05.4’’ // E92°35’32.3’’.Take the footpath on the right at N25°24’59.6’’// E92°35’44.5’’. On reaching the paddy fields, cross them heading South. Pass the farmhouse at N25°24’50’’// E92°35’48.6’’. continue on the path heading South. At N25°24’43.7’’// E92°35’49.7’’ join a track and turn left (downhill). Then almost immediately take the path on the right (through woods). At N25°24’36.7’’// E92°35’51.2’’ the path enters the ravine. Continue to the cliff at the end of the ravine. The entrance is between boulders at the base of the cliff (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010: Entrance in valley floor between boulders, roughly 2 m wide [note 6] gives onto a chamber sloping steeply down at [unidentified inclinations between -15° and -30° at a bearing of] 135° [south-east]. [The cave] passage continues in this direction as a draughtig bedding plane [note 7], emerging in another chamber with an [unspecified second cave] entrance [with unidentified shape, unspecified dimensions, and unidentified orientation] in the parallel Krem Lymmoh Canyon [note 8]. From the initial chamber another [cave] passage heads off at [a bearing of] 45° [north-east, which] after around 30 m, [is] turning towards 0° [north]. This passage continues into [as?] a series of decreasingly sized chambers and finally runs into breakdown and is choked (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011: One or the other The entrance … at the base of a cliff facing NNW, between boulders and roughly circular and 2 m wide … gives access to a large chamber sloping steeply down in a direction of 135°. The passage continues in this direction as a draughting bedding plane passage. This emerges in a nicely decorated chamber with an entrance in the parallel Krem Lymoh Canyon. From the initial chamber another passage heads off at 45°, after arund 30 m, turning towards 0°. This passage continues into a series of decreasingly sized chambers and finally runs into breakdown and is chocked (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). PROSPECTS: Both Audsley (2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli) and Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) fully ignore pointing out that the side passage … continued at [what the surveyors declared to be] the end of the series for around 40 m … (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 survey data file: Krem Chilli.Text: Series 2 comment). CAVE LIFE: It remains unknowable if the spiders, harvestmen, bat, millipede, white beetle. Tiny white fungus (photographed by F.Simpson). Claw marks throughout (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010) were seen in this cave or had been inadvertendly copied from another file.g bedding plane [note 7], emerging in another chamber with an [unspecified second cave] entrance [with unidentified shape, unspecified dimensions, and unidentified orientation] in the parallel Krem Lymmoh Canyon [note 8]. From the initial chamber another [cave] passage heads off at [a bearing of] 45° [north-east, which] after around 30 m, [is] turning towards 0° [north]. This passage continues into [as?] a series of decreasingly sized chambers and finally runs into breakdown and is choked (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011: One or the other The entrance … at the base of a cliff facing NNW, between boulders and roughly circular and 2 m wide … gives access to a large chamber sloping steeply down in a direction of 135°. The passage continues in this direction as a draughting bedding plane passage. This emerges in a nicely decorated chamber with an entrance in the parallel Krem Lymoh Canyon. From the initial chamber another passage heads off at 45°, after arg bedding plane [note 7], emerging in another chamber with an [unspecified second cave] entrance [with unidentified shape, unspecified dimensions, and unidentified orientation] in the parallel Krem Lymmoh Canyon [note 8]. From the initial chamber another [cave] passage heads off at [a bearing of] 45° [north-east, which] after around 30 m, [is] turning towards 0° [north]. This passage continues into [as?] a series of decreasingly sized chambers and finally runs into breakdown and is choked (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011: One or the other The entrance … at the base of a cliff facing NNW, between boulders and roughly circular and 2 m wide … gives access to a large chamber sloping steeply down in a direction of 135°. The passage continues in this direction as a draughting bedding plane passage. This emerges in a nicely decorated chamber with an entrance in the parallel Krem Lymoh Canyon. From the initial chamber another passage heads off at 45°, after arund 30 m, turning towards 0°. This passage continues into a series of decreasingly sized chambers and finally runs into breakdown and is chocked (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). PROSPECTS: Both Audsley (2010.02.16 Mss: Krem Chilli) and Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) fully ignore pointing out that the side passage … continued at [what the surveyors declared to be] the end of the series for around 40 m … (Audsley, A U 2010.02.16 survey data file: Krem Chilli.Text: Series 2 comment). CAVE LIFE: It remains unknowable if the spiders, harvestmen, bat, millipede, white beetle. Tiny white fungus (photographed by F.Simpson). Claw marks throughout (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010) were seen in this cave or had been inadvertendly copied from another file.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.14, trip 1: Annie U. Audsley, Roger Galloway, Angela Arbenz and Roman Hapka reconnoitred parts of the Phud Lymoh vicinity and found a cave entrance: 15th Feb 2010 [sic!]: R. Galloway, R.Hapka, A.Arbenz, A.Audsley discovered the entrance while on recce in the Lymoh Canyon area (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). 2010.02.15, trip 2: Annie U Audsley, Vikram Singh Kirola (Leading Seaman), Fraser E. Simpson (Taking Pictureman) and Roger Galloway (Mending Cobblerman) returned to the dry ravine parallel with Krem Lymmoh Canyon (recce’d yesterday) to survey Krem Chilli [sic!]. Completed the cave: 198 m surveyed to a second entrance and a choke (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc): 16th Feb 2010 [sic!]: R.galloway, V.Singh, A.Audsley and F.Simpson surveyed the cave (Arbenz, T 2011.10.09 Mss Annie Audsley Krem Chili 16.2.2010). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1CHILLI CAVE, Lymoh, 2nd
0.2LYMOH, upper (Krem)