Khajera Bagli
In a small depression on the summit of a limestone hill some 200 m (10 min walk) to the NNE of the motorable track connecting Bagli (the Bagali of the 1913 map) with Khanjoy (note 3). To reach Khajera Bagli from the Border Road - Khunjoy track junction (note 4), follow the Khunjoy track for approximately 2 km (note 5) and take a steeply rising footpath north from the track, passing through a cultivated area. Head uphill for some 200 m until the tree lined depression (note 6) can be seen over the far side of the hill.
Introduction, etymology, general description and prospects
An impressive rift / pothole in limestone (note 1), characterised by a rock bridge that divides the top of the pitch at its mid point. ETYMOLOGY: As if it would explain anything, Brooks (2001.02.10 Mss) suggests that the rift / pot allegedly called Khajera Bagli is possibly named after the local area in which the pot is located (note 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (after Brooks 2001.02.10 Mss -Khajera Bagli- 10/2/1): A rock bridge divides the top of the pitch at its mi point. From the NW side of the pot, the pot can be seen to descend vertically for at least 25 m, whereupon the sloping far wall will be met and the pot continues downwards (under the NW wall at an angle of -80°). Tackle: Some 80 to 100 m SRT, slings and bolts are required for belays. PROSPECTS (Brooks 2001.02.10 Mss): Poor.
Cave description 2 (in German)
CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Jantschke 2003.02.17 Mss -Fahrtenbericht 2003.doc- entry 17.2.03): Seilbepackt starten Lindsay, Katrin und ich unter Führung von Rakesh. Mit Robin fahren wir ein Stück Richtung Bagli, bis der direkte Fußweg zur Ortschaft von der Strasse abzweigt. Ca. 400 m am Fußweg entlang gelangen wir bei etwa 130 m über NN zu einer versturzerfüllten Doline knapp links des Wegs [–>Bagli Gop] … Rakesh führt uns noch bis Bagli hinab … [Von der –>Bagli Resurgence] laufen wir am Fahrweg entlang wieder Richtung Khunjoy hoch, bis rechts ein Pfad steil den Hang hinauf zum Schachtmund des Khajera Bagli führt. Der längliche Kluftschacht misst oben etwa 15 x 5 m und senkt sich in diesen Dimensionen zunächst 2 m tief auf einen Zwischenboden aus Klemmblöcken ab. Darunter bricht er nochmals 15 m ab und erweitert sich in südlicher Richtung zu einer versinterten Halle auf 45 m Gesamttiefe.
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.09: Simon J. Brooks, Lindsey B. Diengdoh, Julie Hesketh and Sudeb Ray Basumatary, guided by Mr. Romesh (of Bagli village), visited the entrance in the late afternoon and on their way back from Bagli to Khanjoy: Bei der Rückfahrt wird noch zwischen Khonjoy und Bagli der Eingang eines großen, mindestens 60 m tiefen Schachtes aufgesucht (Christine & Herbert Jantschke 2001.02.09 Mss: Indien). 2003.02.17: Herbert Jantschke, Katrin 'Trillerameise' Zipfel and Lindsay B. Diengdoh, guided by Rakesh Sangma, descended, explored and mapped the cave.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.4 | BAGLI GOP | ||
0.4 | Khanjoy Songacham Chignapkol | ||
1.1 | Bagli Spring, 1st | ||
1.2 | Bagli Spring, 2nd | ||
1.5 | RONGA CAVE | ||
1.8 | WARIMA KOL 1 | ||
1.8 | WARIMA KOL 2 | ||
1.8 | WARIMA KOL 3 | ||
1.8 | WARIMA KOL 4 |