Tham Wiman - KR0006

Longueur 200m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Take the H4035 north-east from Ao Luek to Ban Khoak Sae. Turn east for 7.5km, take a dirt side road north for 1.3km and then a dirt track 700m to the west. Martin Ellis - 14/10/2019


Martin Ellis - 14/10/2019

A stream flows through the tower in a wide passage. Near the sink entrance a 2m high, 5m wide dry passage leads to a side entrance. Above the stream cave there is a bat cave which probably links with the avens in the stream cave. The monks said the cave was well decorated and had planted a flag at the entrance. Behind the wat building there is a hole down to a water filled passage. Beyond the wat there are some steps and an iron ladder which lead up to a 5m long cave.


Martin Ellis - 14/10/2019

Sundamys muelleri (Jentink, 1879) (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013)


Bibliography 14/10/2019


The first recorded visit by cavers was in December 2007 by the OCC and SMCC. 2007-12-11 (M. Ellis, K. Morton, E. Morton, P. Butler, M. Butler) Martin Ellis - 14/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.5Tham Khlang - KR0148
1.8Tham Warin - KR000538314
1.9Wat Tham Warin (Tham) [KR0298]763
2.0Cave KR0177 - KR0177100
2.5Sink KR0176 - KR0176
2.6Tham Nam Bang Na - KR019450
3.5Tham Khop Nam Phra Rahu - KR0239
3.9Tham Bun - KR0144
5.2Tham Chang - KR0145