Tham Sihanat Decha [Dragon Shrine Cave] [CH0067]

ห้วยยาง (TH)
Longueur 10m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Follow the track through the Nam Phut Thap Lao resort and head towards the gap in the hills that leads into the Ban Tham Ngoen valley until a spur of limestone is seen on the left (west). There is a small wat at the base of the limestone hills. Martin Ellis - 21/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 21/06/2019

A rock shelter has been converted into a temple. Blue water supply pipes were seen coming down the hill to the temple so there might be a spring higher up.


Bibliography 21/06/2019
  • ELLIS, MARTIN; BARRETT, DAVE (2001) "Thailand Expedition February 2000 Report" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 10 No. 8 pp247-272 VOGT, NILS B. (2013) "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand: A Picture-Guide Book" Booksmango, Bangkok ISBN 978-616-222-160-6 214pp


The wat was first visited in 2000 by the SMCC. 2000-02-23 SMCC (D. Barrett, P. Dummer, M. Ellis, H. Jones) 2006-11-20 (M. Ellis, Y. Sopha) Martin Ellis - 21/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7Nam Phut Thap Lao - CH00441818
1.0Tham Sing Toh - CH007765164
1.5Song Chin (Tham) [CH0109]10020
1.8Tham Pha Ya Chang Puek - CH001050
2.6Tham Phua - CH0080
3.1Tham Tec - CH0052
3.7Monk Big Chamber Cave [Tham Sing Toh] [CH0054]23816
3.8Tham Tan Da Wan [Temple Cave] [Tham Tan Da Wan] [CH0059]200
3.8Cave CH0060 [Bat Roost Cave] [CH0060]150