PRAGBODHI CAVE, Mohar - Mora Tal ka Pahar

(Tan Kuppa - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 27/04/2016

A natural rift cave (with two entrances), which has been confused with the –>Pragbodhi Cave (Kiryama: Dhongra Pahar), is situated on Mora Pahar / Mora Tal ka Pahar (note 1), about 15 km in a direct line east-southeast of Gaya (N24°47': E085°00'). CAVE DESCRIPTION (CUNNINGHAM in: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA (1873 for 1872-1873: 106; literally quoted in: LIST OF ANCIENT MONUMENTS 1895: 66): »Mora Hill Cave is a natural fissure about half-way up the western slope and facing Phalgu river. It is shaped like a crescent, 37 feet in length [11.3 m] and five and a half feet in width [1.7 m], with an entrance in the midle of the convex face 3 feet two inches in width [0.96 m] and 4 feet ten inches in height [1.47 m]. At the upper or north end there is another opening, 4 feet broad and 4 feet high [1.2 by 1.2 m], which gives light to the cave. At the south end the fissure continues for a further distance of 24 feet [7.3 m], but of such small dimensions that a man can only just crawl along it. Its height is 2 feet 7 inches [0.8 m], but its width is only 1 foot 7 inches [0.5 m]. At the back or east side of the cavern, there is a ledge of rock 8 inches high [20 cm], which probably served as a pedestal for the sheadow of Buddha which was figured in the rock. Every year, at the close of the rainy season, the monks used to climb this hill to make their offerings and to spend a night or two in the cavern.« BLOCH (in: DOYAL 1904: 34 note) had »no doubt that Cunningham [in: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA 1873 for 1872-1873: 106] referred to the very cave described by the Babu [i.e. Parmeshwar Doyal] in this paper, as the position of this cave agrees [sic! for: does not agree] with the site of the Babu's cave, but the account given by the late General is very inaccurate.«

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 27/04/2016

NOTE 1: A village of Mahar (Mohar?) is marked on AMS sheet NG45-13 Gaya (1962 edition) at a distance of about 15 km along the road south-west from Gaya. Here, above the left side of the road (at an elevation of about 150 m asl) rises a hill with peaks at 1606 feet (490 m asl) and 1554 feet (474 m asl).


Bibliography 27/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
10.0Kukkutapadagiri, Sobnath (Caves on)
11.8PRAGBODHI CAVE, Kiryama: Dhongra Pahar
18.9Jayachchandra Cave
21.0Yoni Dvara, Gaya
23.1SITA CAVE, Sitamarhi