Pao Cave 3: Chimney Cave (Koh-i)

(قلات - PK)
Grottocenter / carte


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A solutional feature without known local name (note 1) formed in the Chiltan Limestone, obviously a relic of a much larger system which has taken moving water in a distant past, is situated above the 2nd Pao Cave (arched entrance, funny title: Pidati Maran Ghara). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A short but delicate traverse / climb reaches the obvious entrance (5 m wide, 8 m high). After 12 m the passage size increases substantially (4 m wide, 12 m high) and a second passage from a higher entrance joins from the left (as you look into the cave). The cave swings right, ascends a 4 m climb and runs for another 20 m before closing. A steeply sloping passage enters from a high (difficult to read: 310 ? TAO ? JAO ?) window / exit to the left. A pit has been dug in the soft silt / sand at the far end of the cave [indicating an archaeological trial pit or hinting to treasure hunters?]. CAVE POTENTIAL: Little prospects of further extension (mostly after Brooks, S J s.a. = circa 2000.10.13; BROOKS 2001b:26; CHAMBERS 2001).26; CHAMBERS 2001).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2000.10.10: Tom Chapman (BEC) made a cursory investigation. 2000.10.11: S J Brooks, Paul Edmunds, Hayatullah 'Hyatt' Durrani Khan and Jan 'Jano' Mohammad explored and 'surveyed' to standards yielding meterage. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Pao Cave 2 (Arched entrance) [Koh-i]
0.3Pao Cave 1 (Triangle entrance of) (Koh-i)
3.5Lava Ghara
11.2Bid Rang Cave
12.3GUJAR, Bamustar Mash, 3rd (Kode)
12.4GUJAR, Bamustar Mash, 5th (Kode)
12.4GUJAR, Bamustar Mash, 4th (Kode)
12.4GUJAR, Bamustar Mash, 2nd (Kode)