Tham Srisopon - MH0140

Longueur 100m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Srisoporn is located at the base of the cliff line between the Tham Pha Daeng (MH0066) sink entrance and the road to Ban Huai Sun. The easiest access is to follow the trail to Tham Phi Man Long Yuk and keep going along the base of the cliffs for another 150 m. Martin Ellis - 28/05/2020


Martin Ellis - 28/05/2020

The main entrance is about 5m wide and 8-10m high and another a short distance north. Both entrances lead to the same chamber. An earth slope leads down to a level area 20m high containing the decaying remains of an extensive bamboo platform, on a ledge above which is a wooden tablet with an inscription in Thai recording a visit in 1945 by monks from Wat Boromathet, Bangkok. Here the cave ceiling is 50-60m high. To the left the cave continues down an old flowstone slope to end in several shallow pits. This is a dry cave and the main cavern is daylit. Coffins are on a higher ledge above the north entrance and a coffin support post is above the south entrance. Rock art occurs in two parts of the cave.


Martin Ellis - 28/05/2020

SHOOCONDEJ, RASMI (2000) Australian expeditions.


Bibliography 28/05/2020
  • DILOKWANICH, SITTIPONG; ET AL. (2000) "An Exploration and Database System of the Caves, Mae Hong Son Province" 6 Vols. Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok - STD16 DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 Grave, Peter; Spies, John; Barbetti, Mike; Hotchkis, Mike (1994) "Dating the log coffins of Northwest Thailand" IPPA Conference, Chiang Mai, 5-12 January 1994 SEFTON, MARK (1998) "Tham Pha Daeng (MH 66) - North-west Thailand" Cave Exploration Group of South Australia News Vol.43 No.1 pp5-7 SHOOCONGDEJ, RASMI; ET AL. (2000b) "Archaeology" in "An Exploration and Database System of Caves: Mae Hong Son Province" Vol. 4. Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok - site 4 SIDISUNTHORN, PINDAR; GARDNER, SIMON; SMART, DEAN (2006) "Caves of Northern Thailand" River Books, Thailand, ISBN 9749863135 SPIES, JOHN (2000) "Suggestions for Cave Management" in "An Exploration and Database System of Caves: Mae Hong Son Province" Vol. 6. Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok WANNASRI, SINEENART (2004) "A Dendroarchaeological Study of Log Coffins: Bo Krai Cave and Ban Rai Rockshelter in Pang Mapha District, Mae Hong Son Province" MSc Thesis, Mahidol University, Bangkok 174pp


The coffins have been dated to 1450BP+/-80 (Grave et al. 1994). Martin Ellis - 28/05/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
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0.5Coffin Cave MH0143 - MH014350
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1.3Sink MH0307
3.2Tham Lot - MH0144400