Tham Chao Mae Kuan Im [KA0525]

Longueur 60m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Martin Ellis - 28/09/2019

75 steps lead up to the small entrance and then more concrete steps lead down into the small chamber. The main feature of the cave is a stalagmite shaped vaguely like the Chao Mae Kwan Im goddess and which is suitable decorated and worshipped. A dozen small bats were housed below the wooden platform.


Martin Ellis - 28/09/2019

Leopaldamys neilli (Marshall, 1976) (Chordata, Mammalia, Rodentia, Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013)


Bibliography 28/09/2019


2012-01-06 (M. Ellis) Martin Ellis - 28/09/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.0Tham Plom Marlor - KA0204500
2.1Cave KA0205 - KA0205
2.1Cave KA0206 - KA0206
5.9Tham Buddha [KA0085]50
5.9Tham Sri Sankhan [KA0550]
5.9Khao Noi (Tham) [KA0086]10048
6.8Tham Khao Ma - KA0049
6.9Sai Yok Noi Resurgence [Resurgence KA0087] [KA0087]
6.9Cave KA0090 - KA0090