Cave PL11 - CM0211

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 16m Profondeur 2m
Grottocenter / carte


On the eastern end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao summit plateau. The entrance is located 25 m (on a bearing of 124¦) from the hunter's shelter on the edge of the jungle in the karst depression. To get to the shelter from the campsite follow the route to Shaft PL05, but don't turn into the jungle and continue walking along the path. After about 100 m turn left down a good path, staying within the depression. The cave is already known to the locals as there are numerous traces of people having been in this fairly large cave. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

From the entrance chamber a passage runs in a westerly direction (on two levels), ending in a small chamber after 6 m. On the walls of the entrance chamber there are cave coral, stalactites, stalagmites and curtains. The floor is covered in clay and rock rubble and there was no water.


Bibliography 02/07/2019
[Topo] Cave PL11 01/05/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2Shaft PL05 - CM02056950
0.4Cave CHD11 [Grotte des Ongulés] [CM0012] [Ongules]105
0.4Cave PL12 - CM0212124
0.4Shaft PL13 - CM02131311
0.4Shaft PL14 - CM02147266
0.4Shaft PL15 - CM0215105
0.5Shaft PL01 - CM02013629
0.5Shaft PL04 - CM0204129
0.5Shaft PL16 - CM021697