A cave entrance without identified shape or dimensions faces an unidentified direction appears not only to function as a seasonal sink but also gives access to an estimated 30 m long crawl leading to boulders, blockage, and a choke.SITUATION (note 1): At the lowest point of the –>Gibbon Doline and at an estimated 10 m without orientation from –>Gibbon Doline Cave 2. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- 7th February): A letter -S- shaped passage under the rock. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh): This then was Krem Tngaw 3 (note 2), the Gibbon Doline Cave 3.A cave entrance without identified shape or dimensions faces an unidentified direction appears not only to function as a seasonal sink but also gives access to an estimated 30 m long crawl leading to boulders, blockage, and a choke.SITUATION (note 1): At the lowest point of the –>Gibbon Doline and at an estimated 10 m without orientation from –>Gibbon Doline Cave 2. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- 7th February): A letter -S- shaped passage under the rock. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh): This then was Krem Tngaw 3 (note 2), the Gibbon Doline Cave 3.
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009.02.07: Roshan Yengkhom (Indian Navy, Medical Assistant) in search of the entrances and caves of the Wah Sapoh basin, went down a narrow passage and found a S shape passage under the rock (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' 7th February). 2009.02.09: Thomas Arbenz, Peter Ludwig and Bridget Hall … completed [Krem] Tngaw 3 and ended up having had about 30 m surveyed (Thomas Arbenz, undated amendment to Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Monday 9th February).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE ARCH (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GOLDEN CAVE, Wah Sapoh (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 1 (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 2 (aa -) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 1 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | Wah Sapoh 2 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 3 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 4 (Jantschke 2005) (Krem) |