Shaft PL06 - CM0206

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 7m Profondeur 7m
Grottocenter / carte


On the eastern end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao summit plateau. This is one of the three small caves (including PL07 and PL08) close to the ridge surrounding the eastern upper floor of the valley near the top of Doi Luang Chiang Dao. To get there from the campsite first follow the path in an easterly direction (the path leads to the higher level of the massif) and after passing the poppy fields turn right and then straight up, in line with the decrease in the slope. Approximately 10 m below the col is the oblong entrance to the cave. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

The 7 m entrance pitch lands on a sloping mud floor. At the lowest point of the pit the bones of an unidentified creature were found.


Bibliography 02/07/2019
[Topo] Shaft PL06 01/05/2019


The cave was explored by T. Swider. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Shaft PL08 - CM020877
0.1Cave PL07 - CM0207125
0.3Shaft PL17 - CM02171313
0.3Cave PL03 - CM02034634
0.3PL30 - CM0230 (Shaft)2217
0.4Cave PL02 - CM02025542
0.4Shaft PL01 - CM02013629
0.4Shaft PL15 - CM0215105
0.5Shaft PL09 - CM02092415