(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 11/04/2016

Sort of a cave entrance without identified shape or dimensions faces into an unidentified direction and once was marked by the ubiquitous sight of a fallen bamboo and leads to what was considerd in April 1999 to consist of allegedly "surveyed" (tape spotter standards) but not mapped 218 m (note 1) of horizontal passages (Edmunds, P A in: MEGHALAYA CAVING EXPEDITION 1999: 15). This seems to be one entrance to the almost 1.2 km long Krem –>Kdong Thloo. SITUATION: On the western flank of the Shnongrim Ridge and at a linear distance of estimated 0.5 km approximately north-north-east (note 2) of the Dukan Sha (tea house) in the Litang (Letein, Litien) valley floor. CAVE DESCRIPTION: Paul A. Edmunds (in: MEGHALAYA CAVING EXPEDITION 1999: 15) reported an anonymous »first cave« that »was rather small and wet with the main passage ending in a sump after 50 m« in addition to a »side passage that hardly had been explored. We continued surveying down this side passage which seemed to run at a higher level than the main passage. It ended [sic!] in a 50 m crawl to a boulder choke.« Christophe Deblaere (2002.02.22 Mss "Krem Lymbloh / Lumbloh" dated 22/2) quickly satisfied himself by rapidly substituting investigation with straighforward assumptions: »This cave was already surveyed but coordinates were not 100% [note 3]. Its a low situated drainage of low intermediate hill in the lithien walley. Can't be very long.«

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 11/04/2016

NOTE 1: Paul A. Edmunds (in: Meghalaya '99 Caving Expedition 1999) claimed a "surveyed" (sports caver standards) length of 217.9 m and a vertical range of 5.1 m but the effort was wasted as no cave plan was ever produced. NOTE 2: The GPS position recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Lum Blohlies indicates a spot which lies a a linear distance of 440 m approximately NNE (426.9 m north + 106.5 m east) from the Litang dukan sha (WGS84 N25°21'37.2”: E092°33'13.2”: 858 m asl, Dawson, H. B. 2007.02 undated Mss: Kdong Thloo 2). NOTE 3: The English phrase »the pot calling the kettle black« used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone else could equally well apply to themselves. Christophe Deblaere (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Lymbloh / Lumbloh) found the cave entrance less than 30 m from the 1998 position which he attempted to improve by recording a strikingly incompetent GPS position N25°21'51.7": E092°33'17.6": 870 m which is not only based on an unidentified geodetic datum but also disqualified due to an unspecified precision error.


Bibliography 11/04/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1998.02.17: Raibok Patlong guided B. D. Kharpran Daly in company with Simon J. Brooks, Georg Bäumler, Richard Frank, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke, Mike Zawada and Zuala Ralsun to the entrance to »Krem Umbluh«. 1999.04.05: Paul A. Edmunds et al. (in DAWSON 1999) failed to map the allegedly "surveyed" 217.9 m (±5.1 m) of cave passages, guided by Larsing Sukhlain and assisted by Nick Cain, Betsy Chhakchhuak, Bibiana Kharnaior, Sophie Kumar, Robert Lamb, Louise Le Flufy, Eleanor Lock, Buntie Pettifer, Helen Philp, Oliver 'Oli' Truman and Alex Willey. 2002.02.22: An unacknowled team (no names mentioned) guiding and accompynying Christophe "Xstophe" Deblaere (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Lymbloh / Lumbloh) also failed to produce a cave plan. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 11/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2RYA (Wade 2008) no. 1
0.2RYA (Wade 2008) no. 2
0.3KDONG THLOO, Rya (Krem)
0.3KDONG THLOO, Rya, 2nd (Krem)
0.5LYNGKSHAIT, Lumthari (Krem)
0.6Kachar (Krem)
0.6AA CAVE (Cowper 2007), 1st
0.7PYRTAG (Krem)
0.8WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 1b, sink (Krem)