Nyaruhonga 3 (Ubuvumo)

Mukamira (Nyabihu - RW)
Profondeur 32m
Grottocenter / carte


Location: North province, Virunga mountains, Musanze district Co-ordinates: S01°34,378’; E 029°29,784°. Alt. ca. 2,694 m. BTH - 08/07/2024


General description

Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

Explored by the 2003 Swiss-German speleological project. The entrance of 284 m long Ubuvumo Nyaruhonga 3 leads down into a well-proportioned lava tube with 3 m of height. Interesting lava flow forms are visible here. The roof is covered by small lava stalactites. A narrow flat-elliptical lateral passage leads from the entrance towards the South. It was not pushed to a conclusion. The main passage soon meets a roof collapse doline. On the opposite side of the doline the lava tube continues but changes direction towards the East. One passes a small daylight hole after about 85 m from the doline. The passage has an average height of 1.7 m and continues with a strong inclination including a 3 metres deep climbable step. The floor consists of solid lava. The walls of the tube show many smail cracks that are the result of the cooling down of the lava. At its far end the tube ascends again. Places to sleep were prepared in the terminal chamber of the cave. Much garbage is left here. Description according to Laumanns et al. (2004, 2007).


Une expédition de trois semaines a été réalisée en février 2007 par le Néerlandais Jan Paul van der Pas et Michael Laummans, dans la région de la chaîne volcanique Virunga, au nord-ouest du Rwanda (Afrique centrale), afin de lever les derniers points d’interrogation restants. Source : * Spelunca n°106, 2007, page 4, échos des profondeurs étranger, Rwanda : spelunca.ffspeleo.fr/200706_Spelunca_106.pdf BTH - 24/11/2022

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
4.7Manjari 2 (Ubuvumo) [Grotte Mandjari Deux]1660
10.2Nyiragihima (Ubuvumo)1116
13.8Rwego (Ubuvumo) [Grotte des Commandos]952
15.1Musanze - main segment (Ubuvumo bwa)1600
15.2Kabari (Ubuvumo)496
15.5Bwibihonga (Ubuvumo)4530
15.7Cyamazera (Ubuvumo)1484
15.8Gacinyiro 2 (Ubuvumo)1470
15.9Gacinyiro 1 (Ubuvumo)35025