Tham Doi Kamo - LP0011

มะเขือแจ้ (TH)
Longueur 10m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Khamo Hill is located in Tambon Makhuajae in Amphoe Muang. It is only 200 m in height and has about an acre of flat land on top Martin Ellis - 28/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 28/03/2020

It has a really deep natural water well on its top which never dries up. The water is considered sacred, which has been used as sacred water in all coronations of the King of Thailand.


Bibliography 28/03/2020


Touirnier 1990 toune - 26/05/2013

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
11.2Doi Hang Bat (Tham) [LP0030]
11.7Tham Wat Duang Ta Wan - LP00331010
16.7Ban Tham - LP0003
23.9Ban Umong - CM0071
25.2Cave [CM0087]
25.2Anxiety State Cave [Tham Wiang] [Tham Wieng Pah] [Tham Wiung Fah] [Tham Vieng] [Dark Cave] [CM0062]14055
25.6Tham Muang On [Tham Chom Muang] [Tham Myyd] [Tham Meud] [CM0053]31437
27.5Tham Mae On Luai - CM0102
28.9Tham Sua - CM0197