Tham Chet Mit 3 - KA0352

Longueur 10m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


20 m above and to the left of Tham Chet Mit. Martin Ellis - 15/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 15/09/2019

A short dry fossil cave ends ina cemented gravel choke after 10m.


Bibliography 15/09/2019
  • DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney SMART, DEAN (1995) "Caves of National Parks, Thong Pha Phum and Lam Khlong Ngu" Royal Forest Department, Bangkok Unpublished report 22pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Chet Mit - KA035027041
0.0Tham Chet Mit Resurgence Cave - KA0351100
1.2Khon Kae (Tham) [KA0471]16010
11.4Nar Tang (Tham) [KA0468]742
11.5Khao Noi (Tham) [KA0441]7525
11.6Khao Noi 2 (Tham) [KA0467]200
11.6Tham Phra - KA035410025
15.2Tham Pong Chang [KA0598]
16.8Tham Nam Khao Tha Khanun - KA02351250