WAH SAPOH 4 (Jantschke 2005) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Gaps between dislocated boulders have been seen at the lowest point of a doline (closed depression, without identified shape or dimensions) at the lower end of streambeds (dry in February 2005). Peeping down through the gaps, one can have the impression of seeing what appears to represent an approximately 10 m deep shaft controlled by crossing rifts (after Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss: Surface mapping / reconnaissance sheet -Wah Sapoh 2). Compare Krem –>Baiongkhleh, where a narrow triangular cave entrance leads to an instable 5 m climb into a main chamber (on average 4 m to 6 m high and about 40 m in diameter) and a high level passage with an aven where daylight can be seen entering. SITUATION 2005: Next doline to the south of the known Wah Sapoh, about 50 m away (Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss). The GPS positions recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Wah Sapoh 4 (Jantschke 2005) indicate a spot which lies 72.5 m in a direct line approximately south-southwest (-71.1 m north, 14 m east) fom the GPS position recorded for the cave entrance to the –>Golden Cave (WGS84 N25°17’46.4’’. E092°30’03.7’’ ±8 m: 970 m asl, Arbenz, T 2009.02.08, GPS Garmin Etrex Summit) and vertically 67 m higher up (after Arbenz, T 2009.03.16 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh; Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss: Surface mapping / reconnaissance: Wah Sapoh 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005a: Another large doline with an approximately 10 m deep shaft (tackle!) at it's base (after Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005b: Peeping down from one awkward position above (note 1), one can have the impression of seeing an uninspiring boulder floor beneath gap of crossing rifts (after Jantschke 2005.04.17 Mss -Fahrtenbericht Meghalaya 2005- 2005.02.11; JANTSCHKE 2006: 147). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005c: Krem Wah Sapoh 2, N25°17'44.1”: E92°30'04.2”: 1037; vertical 10 m; discovered on 11.02.2005 by HY, last visited on 11.02.2005; comment: no, but not v. promising (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls).om the GPS position recorded for the cave entrance to the –>Golden Cave (WGS84 N25°17’46.4’’. E092°30’03.7’’ ±8 m: 970 m asl, Arbenz, T 2009.02.08, GPS Garmin Etrex Summit) and vertically 67 m higher up (after Arbenz, T 2009.03.16 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh; Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss: Surface mapping / reconnaissance: Wah Sapoh 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005a: Another large doline with an approximately 10 m deep shaft (tackle!) at it's base (after Jantschke, H 2005.02.11 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005b: Peeping down from one awkward position above (note 1), one can have the impression of seeing an uninspiring boulder floor beneath gap of crossing rifts (after Jantschke 2005.04.17 Mss -Fahrtenbericht Meghalaya 2005- 2005.02.11; JANTSCHKE 2006: 147). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005c: Krem Wah Sapoh 2, N25°17'44.1”: E92°30'04.2”: 1037; vertical 10 m; discovered on 11.02.2005 by HY, last visited on 11.02.2005; comment: no, but not v. promising (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2005.02.11: Guided by Roilian Nampui, it was Herbert Jantschke, Christine Jantschke, Georg Bäumler and Gregory D. Diengdoh who peeped down (Jantschke 2005.04.17 Mss 'Fahrtenbericht Meghalaya 2005' 11th February; JANTSCHKE 2006: 147). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0WAH SAPOH 1 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem)
0.0Wah Sapoh 2 (Krem)
0.0WAH SAPOH 3 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem)
0.1GOLDEN CAVE, Wah Sapoh (aa -)