Deo, Shekhabad - Cijan (Ghar)

(سيد آباد ولسوالۍ - AF)
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Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A small, humid and twilight-lit cave (note 1) or rock shelter (about 4 or 5 m wide, 5 m long and 1.7 m high) with a floor covered with soil and droppings of goat and sheep. SITUATION: Near Cheikhabad (note 2) and about 6 km west of Dag Baghri (note 3) at a place called Cijan (note 4). The cave entrance itself lies in a limestone outcrop at the foot of a spur of a hill (in French: Kouh-Ladou = Koh Ladu?), and on the right bank of a torrent (dry streambed? without known name). CAVE LIFE: LINDBERG (1958: 116) lists Chilopoda, Diptera (Sciaridae), Pseudoscorpionida, Arachnida (Araneida). According to JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1745) yielded Grotte de Cheikhabad, Tchidjan snails identified by OMODEO (1959? or 1962?) as Eiseniella tetraedra f. typica SAVIGNY (Oligochaeta: Lumbrichidae).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1958.04.07: Knut LINDBERG (1958: 116, 1961a: 7) visited, explored, observed, searched for and collected cave life. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
6.4SHER, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
7.9GUNDAKI, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
8.1Deo, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
44.4Sang-e Surakh, Muhhammad Agha
45.2Qal'Eh-ye Safid (Cave at)
48.2DAHAN GHAR, Tang-e Lalandar
48.4Karapah Road, Murdar Dand - Gandawah (Caves on the)
50.4SORKH AB 1 (Cave at)