(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance gives access to a pothole descending some 100 m down into a perennial stream cave passage. A possible fault / dislocation is seen in the upper canyon passage and main pitch. SITUATION (note 1): south-east of the path from the village of Tongseng (N25°19'28-: E092°30'05” WGS84) towards Krem –>Raman (Ryman) and about 300 m south of the V-shaped standing stones (double monolith), just to the north-east of a wooded stream valley descending the eastern flank of the Shnongrim Ridge. SITUATION 2 (JARRATT 2003): Adjacent to Ryman (Krem –>Raman). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Accessed from a stream gully on the south-west side, a surface pot, circa 15 m deep and 5 m in diameter, is followed by 13 m rift climb / pitch past flowstone into descending canyon passage (1 m wide, walking height). After passing an inlet, the head of the 53 m shaft is reached (three re-belays, ca. -4, -30, -43 m, generally 4 by 12 m wide). From the pitch base, some 280 m of canyon-like passage contnues, dropping short pitches, climbs and cascades to lead to a sump and too tight crawl. JARRATT (2003): Krem Korlooheng … had half a jar of flourescein tipped into it but due to low water levels this was not detected in the main Umthloo system (Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng). We also missed the side passage in Ryman which Raman, a minister of an ancient Jaintia king, used as a shortcut to Jaintiapur [note 2], now in Bangladesh. Like our friend Carlyn, he was able to turn into a tiger at will and would not have been nice to meet in a squeeze! CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), water, rounded cobbles, mud, sandstone lumps in wall of big pitch. TACKLE: Hangers for spits (note 3) and collar studs; 35 m rope (entrance); 15 m rope (rift); 90 m rope (big pitch); 2 ladders, slings, short ropes. PROSPECTS: Jarratt (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Korlooheng) draws the attention of the cave diving world to a sump but, on the other hand, judges the cave finished.CAVE LIFE: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt noticd bats (Chiroptera), crickets, spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. Heteropoda sp.), crayfish and fish while Mark Brown came across snot gobblers (larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae).nues, dropping short pitches, climbs and cascades to lead to a sump and too tight crawl. JARRATT (2003): Krem Korlooheng … had half a jar of flourescein tipped into it but due to low water levels this was not detected in the main Umthloo system (Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng). We also missed the side passage in Ryman which Raman, a minister of an ancient Jaintia king, used as a shortcut to Jaintiapur [note 2], now in Bangladesh. Like our friend Carlyn, he was able to turn into a tiger at will and would not have been nice to meet in a squeeze! CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), water, rounded cobbles, mud, sandstone lumps in wall of big pitch. TACKLE: Hangers for spits (note 3) and collar studs; 35 m rope (entrance); 15 m rope (rift); 90 m rope (big pitch); 2 ladders, slings, short ropes. PROSPECTS: Jarratt (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Korlooheng) draws the attention of the cave diving world to a sump but, on the other hand, judges the cave finished.CAVE LIFE: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt noticd bats (Chiroptera), crickets, spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. Heteropoda sp.), crayfish and fish while Mark Brown came across snot gobblers (larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.22: Visited by Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Peter Ludwig and Thomas Arbenz, guided by Pyrbait Lang, Runningstone Patwet and four other small boys from Tongseng (Jarratt 2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Korlooheng). 2002.02.24: Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt, Mark W. Brown and Andrew Harp surveyed 126.37 m (-44.47 m). Jarratt (2002.02.24 Mss 'Cave Log 2002' 24/2/02): Mark and Andy rigged the 27 m entrance pitch from a ledge about 12 m down and then continued down an awkward sloping rift to c. 90 m of clean washed, Yorkshire type canyon passage with a smaller inlet. Just past this, after following a possible fault, the passage turned sharp right to emerge at the head of a spectacular pot. The lads bolted this and Mark went down to run out of rope at c. 50 m. As this was Andy's first virgin big pitch it was named Cherrypicker Pot. It is a highly photogenic place. Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt (2002.02.24 Mss 'Logbook' vol. 10: 19) narrates having discovered … 10 m of pitches and horizontal streamway (mcra.org.uk/logbooks/?dir=jrat accessed 2008.12.05). 2002.02.25: Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt, M.W. Brown and Lindsay B. Diengdoh gained a total survey length of 407.52 m by a depth of -110.89 m by descending the Cherrypicker Pot to the terminal sump. Jarratt (2002.02.25 Mss 'Meghalaya Cave Log' 25/2/02) confirms how Mark descended to re-rig while Lindsay and I surveyed some 230 m of generally fine, walking sized, dry stream passage with assorted climbs and short pitches, to join Mark at a grotty low area with a fish infested sump. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1RAMAN 1 (Krem)
0.1RAMAN 2, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.1RAMAN 3, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.2KARMA (Krem)
0.3WIAR BRIEW (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP 2 (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP (Krem)
0.4MYRLIAT 3 (Krem)
0.4AA CAVE D (Brown 2002), 1st