Camel's Back Cave (Wilson 1979)

Dehradun (Dehradun - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Two cave entrances give access to a small cave on Camel's Back, Mussoorie which Jane M. Wilson (in: DURRANT et al. 1979: 38) identified as the small cave on Camel's Back, Mussoorie, mentioned by E. A. Glennie (Craven 1969) though it seems to be another cave which is also developed in an almost vertical fault. Not only the location (relative to Camel's Back Rd.) but also the dimensions (note 1) of Glennie's cave (Glennie 1939 June, sheet 4: Caddell's Cave) are quite different from Wilson's which is about 7 m deep; it goes in little more than 8 m. The cave, which is a metre or so from the road, has two entrances and the resulting through draught means the atmosphere is too dry to support any cavernicoles. There are also a number of rock shelters in the immediate area. The feat of a forever disappearing Glennie and his dead silent mates performed in full view of a picnic party scarcely would have been possible at Wilson's cave.Two cave entrances give access to a small cave on Camel's Back, Mussoorie which Jane M. Wilson (in: DURRANT et al. 1979: 38) identified as the small cave on Camel's Back, Mussoorie, mentioned by E. A. Glennie (Craven 1969) though it seems to be another cave which is also developed in an almost vertical fault. Not only the location (relative to Camel's Back Rd.) but also the dimensions (note 1) of Glennie's cave (Glennie 1939 June, sheet 4: Caddell's Cave) are quite different from Wilson's which is about 7 m deep; it goes in little more than 8 m. The cave, which is a metre or so from the road, has two entrances and the resulting through draught means the atmosphere is too dry to support any cavernicoles. There are also a number of rock shelters in the immediate area. The feat of a forever disappearing Glennie and his dead silent mates performed in full view of a picnic party scarcely would have been possible at Wilson's cave.


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Durrant G A, Smart C M, Turner J E K & Wilson, J M 1979, 1981 (Himalaya Underground 1976).


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Camel's Back Cave (Glennie 1939) [Doon View Cave 3]
0.0Michael's Cave (Lower)
0.0Michael's Cave 2 (Upper)
0.0Doon View Cave 2