A possibly east-facing (?) rift cave entrance without identified size gives access to an initial 4 m drop (note 1) or 4.5 m pitch (note 2) which descends not only down into a primarily vertical cave (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) but also connects in one way or an other to the first Gibbon Doline Cave. Brooks (2009.03.06 Mss: Overview 2009) confirms that there is a brilliantly christened Krem Tngaw (1+2) (Ape Cave 1 + 2) in the … Tngaw Doline (Ape Doline) … ETYMOLOGY: So far, I saw Gibbon Doline Cave called and spelled Ape 2 Brooks, S J et al. (2009 -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February): The new name means 'Ape 2' after Thomas who was found frolicking with gibbons …; Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) Dngaw 2 (incorrect) Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) Tngaw 2 Arbenz, T (2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh); Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February, Monday 9th February); Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) Other ave Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- 7th February): Roshan, Hugh & Brian … went to the other cave mentioned in the book as having a canyon passage (note 3). Wah Sapoh 2 Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February): Tngaw 2 (previously referred to as Wah Sapoh 2) (note 4) Wah Sapoh 2 1/2 Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2). SITUATION 1: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) employs drill ground speak to suggest not only to see also Kren Baiongkhleh description (i.e. Golden Cave) but also to leave the road after Tangnoob at 25°17'52-4” [note 5] about 50 m past the well hut on the right [note 6]. Head down open area of grass and go into jungle. GPS position [note 7] is here: Climb down steeply into canyon. To right [note 8] is Tngaw 1. Go left [note 9] and climb down [deleted: through tunnel] under distinctive rock arch into doline. Tngaw 2 is immediately on right corner [note 10] of 20 m high rock wall. SITUATION 2: (Arbenz, T 2009.03.2 Mss): In a westerly offset corner of the –>Gibbon Doline, more than 30 m without orientation away from the first Gibbon Doline Cave but about 10 m lower down (note 11). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February): A narrow 11 m pitch under the entrance descends down to the head of a 25 or 30 m pitch which starts small but bells out. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): An initial 4 m drop descends into what appears to be a horizontal canyon passage but this is choked with calcite after 10 m while back under entrance pitch the cave continues vertically.On the other hand, Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) describes a training device: Entrance is 4.5 m pitch, then through narrow climb under entrance to small chamber at head of narrow 11 m pitch. Another climb (rope needed) follows to head of 3rd pitch. Bouldery chamber off from here. 3rd pitch (18 m) start awkwardly then bells out at deviation 5 m below Y-hang. Base of this leas to a 3 m drop off large flake and a 4th pitch (11 m) then 5th pitch (21 m) and a further short drop (5 m) to streamway. There's a crib [crab?] in the stream but it may move elsewhere. Pitches become more pleasant + solid as you go down. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh): A rift-like gap that soon leads to a 50 m deep shaft (note 12). CAVE CONTENTS (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): Calcite [speleothems?] in entrance passage. V. large boulders at top of third pitch (bottom of doline?) which continue down most of pitch. TACKLE (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): 17 m rope for entrance. 20 m 2nd pitch. 20 m 3rd pitch. 15 m 4th pitch. 20 m + 5 m 5th pitch. 5 m last drop into streamway. All but entrance ropes can be joined together. PROSPECTS 1: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) was led to believe that the entrance passage ends in calcite blockage (sic!) when actually it leads to a calcite blockage but little doubt remains that Neil Pacey is anyhw hammered as he suggests thet this very calcite blockage could be hammered (sic!). PROSPECTS 2: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) nicely describes Boulder Chamber above third pitch: Not fully pushed because British sports cavers are educated to hate boulders and therefore are declared unlikely to lead to anything interesting. CAVE CLIMATE: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) noticed at the calcite blockage in the entrance area a lack of air current and recorded no draught at an unidentified time on an unspecified day. CAVE LIFE: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) noticed not only that There's a crib [crab? Crustacea: conf. Brachyura] in the stream but it may move elsewhere but also bats (Chiroptera) and what appeared to be Heteropoda spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. Heteropoda sp.).s to a 3 m drop off large flake and a 4th pitch (11 m) then 5th pitch (21 m) and a further short drop (5 m) to streamway. There's a crib [crab?] in the stream but it may move elsewhere. Pitches become more pleasant + solid as you go down. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh): A rift-like gap that soon leads to a 50 m deep shaft (note 12). CAVE CONTENTS (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): Calcite [speleothems?] in entrance passage. V. large boulders at top of third pitch (bottom of doline?) which continue down most of pitch. TACKLE (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): 17 m rope for entrance. 20 m 2nd pitch. 20 m 3rd pitch. 15 m 4th pitch. 20 m + 5 m 5th pitch. 5 m last drop into streamway. All but entrance ropes can be joined together. PROSPECTS 1: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) was led to believe that the entrance passage ends in calcite blockage (sic!) when actually it leads to a calcite blockage but little doubt remains that Neil Pacey is anyhs to a 3 m drop off large flake and a 4th pitch (11 m) then 5th pitch (21 m) and a further short drop (5 m) to streamway. There's a crib [crab?] in the stream but it may move elsewhere. Pitches become more pleasant + solid as you go down. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss: Re Bakteria, Tngaw & Wah Sapoh): A rift-like gap that soon leads to a 50 m deep shaft (note 12). CAVE CONTENTS (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): Calcite [speleothems?] in entrance passage. V. large boulders at top of third pitch (bottom of doline?) which continue down most of pitch. TACKLE (Penney 2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2): 17 m rope for entrance. 20 m 2nd pitch. 20 m 3rd pitch. 15 m 4th pitch. 20 m + 5 m 5th pitch. 5 m last drop into streamway. All but entrance ropes can be joined together. PROSPECTS 1: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) was led to believe that the entrance passage ends in calcite blockage (sic!) when actually it leads to a calcite blockage but little doubt remains that Neil Pacey is anyhw hammered as he suggests thet this very calcite blockage could be hammered (sic!). PROSPECTS 2: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) nicely describes Boulder Chamber above third pitch: Not fully pushed because British sports cavers are educated to hate boulders and therefore are declared unlikely to lead to anything interesting. CAVE CLIMATE: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) noticed at the calcite blockage in the entrance area a lack of air current and recorded no draught at an unidentified time on an unspecified day. CAVE LIFE: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2) noticed not only that There's a crib [crab? Crustacea: conf. Brachyura] in the stream but it may move elsewhere but also bats (Chiroptera) and what appeared to be Heteropoda spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. Heteropoda sp.).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009 February: Hugh Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2: Exploration history) points out that Tngaw 2 had been somewhere mentioned in relation to what was previously called Wah Sapoh 2 and 3 (now renamed) as a canyon passage [deleted: with a 4 m drop] needing 5 m ladder to gain access. 2009.02.08: Thomas Arbenz, Hugh Penney, Commander Arnab Das, and Medical Assistant Roshan Yengkhom … went to Tngaw 2 (previously referred to as Wah Sapoh 2). Hugh, Roshan and Arnab descended a narrow 11 m pitch under the entrance and down to the head of a 25 or 30 m pitch which started small but belled out. Surveyed 46.88 m. The cave was draughting and is ongoing (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Sunday 8th February).2009.02.09: Hugh Penney, Commander Arnab Das, Biranchi Narayan Bhola (Leading Store Assistant), and Neil Pacey … went to Tngaw 2 to continue rigging pitches. They connected into Tngaw 1, surveyed and derigged. Surveyed 87.3 m (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Ms 'Diary 2009.doc' Monday 9th February).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE ARCH (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GOLDEN CAVE, Wah Sapoh (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 1 (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 3 (aa -) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 1 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | Wah Sapoh 2 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 3 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 4 (Jantschke 2005) (Krem) |