Phra Ban Pen Bun 2 (Tham) [CR0056]

ดงมะดะ (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Phra Ban Pen Bun (1 et 2) sont deux grottes-sanctuaires situées à l'est de la route n°1, au sud de la province de Chiang Rai (nord de la Thaïlande), dans le district ("amphoe") de Phan, sous-district ("ban") de Than ThongNils Vogt ; "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand", page 135 (voir section "Bibliographie" ci-dessous). Une description plus précise de l'accès est indiquée dans la source bibliographique. BTH - 23/01/2016

East of the H1 between Phayao and Chiang Rai, a turnoff 18km north of Phan winds through rice fields and a series of villages for 6km before reaching Wat Tham Phra Ban Pen Bun. The main cave is at the base of the cliff face about 100m from the parking. Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

There are two separate caves on different levels in an isolated limestone tower visible east of the main Phayao-Chiang Rai road. The lower cave is at the base of an overhanging cliff which provides shelter for a Buddha in saffron robes. The cave entrance is flanked by concrete monkeys and a locked gate. The cave itself is spotlessly clean with white tiles covering every available surface and netting over the window to keep out bats. The overhang outside has shells and fragments of bone buried in the floor sediments which suggests that it was a prehistoric habitation site.


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

Snails:- Perrottetia aquilonaris Siriboon & Panha, 2013


Bibliography 23/01/2016
Bibliography 10/08/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Phra Ban Pen Bun 1 (Tham) [CR0055]
1.5Tham Nong Pa - CR0034
13.0Mi (Tham) [CR0072]
13.0Ban Tham - CR0023
14.4Tham Ruessi - CR0032
16.7Tham Pha Chor - CR0024200
16.7Cave CR0025 - CR0025
20.3Tham Pha Yao - CR00215200
21.4Doi Hang (Tham) [CR0090]250