Tham Pha Sawan - NA0005 [Tham Phra]

ดู่ใต้ (TH)
Longueur 110m Profondeur 22m
Grottocenter / carte


From Nan take the road to Chang Klang. 11km from Nan enter the Tham Pha Tup park. From the parking lot follow the arrowed path that leads to the entrance of the cave. Martin Ellis - 20/08/2020


Martin Ellis - 20/08/2020

The entrance leads into a small size short gallery opening on an upper inlet. To the right of the main entrance, a gallery of 30 m. is quickly clogged. Two great gongs mounted on a wooden structure are arranged near the upper entrance. Later, a gallery decorated with two Buddha statues ended after 40 meters. Shortly before the statues, followed by a skylight escalation of 4 meters leads plugged in a gallery parallel to the right and break the ceiling by a beautiful skylight 30 m On the left of the gallery, open a clogged sink of 15 m. down by Francios Brouquisse in 1992


Martin Ellis - 20/08/2020

Plusioglyphiulus bessoni Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauries et VandenSpiegel, 2009 (Arthropoda, Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae) û type locality (Golovatch et al. 2009b)


Bibliography 20/08/2020


First explored by Francois Broquisse in 1992. The cave was surveyed by SSAPO in 2008. Martin Ellis - 20/08/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Pha Sawan (Tham) [NA0023]200
0.1Takian (Tham) [NA0027]200
0.1Tham Pha Tup - NA0004500
0.2Tham Biae [NA0022]250
0.2Tham Chedi Kaew - NA00214315
0.3Bo Nam Thip (Tham) [NA0006]10050
0.4Song Satang (Tham) [NA0065]
25.9Ban Wang Tham - NA0009
33.4Tham Phra Charon - NA0016