Tham Tu Pu - CR0043

เชียงราย (TH)
Longueur 45m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This mediation wat is at the base of a limestone tower near the Mae Kok river before reaching Wat Tham Phra when travelling from Chiang Rai. Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

The wat is famous for the bas-relief Buddha image in the cliff. A few metres past the bas-relief some steps lead up to the cave entrance. After a few metres a high level entrance enters from the left and the passage turns right. A large, white, concrete Buddha almost blocks the passage and is lit from a skylight. The cave soon closes down behind the statue.


Bibliography 10/08/2019


2007-01-15 (M. Ellis, Y. Sopha, I. Hollis, S. Hollis) Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.9Tham Chang Luang - CR0051
1.2Tham Lom - CR0039
1.2Tham Waai [CR0052]1000
1.3Tham Ruesi - CR0038200
1.7Tham Phra - CR0037300
3.0Tham Doi Kong Khao - CR00442000
6.7Doi Hang (Tham) [CR0090]250
17.8Mi (Tham) [CR0072]
20.8Tham Mae Khrua - CR0062904