Fil Khana (Caves at)
Various descriptions
A number of perhaps 100 man-made rock chambers (LINDBERG 1958: 132), of which some contain rock art (painted and engraved walls), are excavated from sandstone and conglomerate below the Pheel Khana Tope (note 1): Round the corner to the east from this cliff [housing –>Pheel Khana Bazaar Cave] is small bit of flat ground, and the rock forms a kind of crescent or amphitheatre … which is full of caves, terminating at the eastern end with the Pheel Khana [Vihara] Cave (SIMPSON 1881: 203-204). SITUATION: Above the left (northern) bank of Kabul river at –>Jalalabad, and on the western rim of the Barabad - Darunta area / Poshteh-ye Barabad va Daruntah and Pushta-i- Barabad wa Darunta (note 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1879: The people here have no name for these caves or niches, for that is the real character. In one or two on the left, there are openings [read: passages] leading to caves beyond; but most of them, including the largest, have no communications behind. The largest cave, or niche, ma be, at a guess, about 30 feet high [9 m], and it has a grand appearance, overlooking the Cabul river … (ARCHÆOLOGY IN AFGHANISTAN 1879: 554). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005: Fîlhâna (Gudarra) nordwestlich von Dzhalâlâbâd; eine wichtige Gruppe buddhistischer Höhlen mit zwei Stupas auf der Anhöhe (MODE, Markus, accessed 2005.05.21). be, at a guess, about 30 feet high [9 m], and it has a grand appearance, overlooking the Cabul river … (ARCHÆOLOGY IN AFGHANISTAN 1879: 554).
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Archæology [Archaeology] in Afghanistan 1879; Basawaru To Jerabado - Kaburu (edited by Mizuno, Seiichi) 1966; Hazara Sumo To Firuhana (edited by Mizuno, Seiichi) 1967; Bauddha Caves at Kabul 1879; Caves at the Pheel Khana Tope 1879; Caves at Pheel Vokana Tope, Jellalabad 1879; Foucher, Alfred 1925; Grousset, René 1929 edited 1932, 1957, 1971, 1977; German edition 1986: 98; Masson, Charles in: Wilson, Horace Hayman 1841; Mizuno, Seiichi 1966; Pigou 1841; Simpson, William 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882a, 1882b; Simpson, William in Laessoe, F 1886.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | Fil Khana 1: Vihara | ||
0.0 | Fil Khana 4: Bazaar | ||
0.0 | Fil Khana 5: upper Niche | ||
1.4 | Bahrabad (Grottes de) | ||
1.4 | FIL KHANA 2: Elephant House | ||
1.4 | FIL KHANA 3: Niche | ||
1.4 | FIL KHANA karez / kariz | ||
5.4 | Barabad Karez [Kariz] | ||
5.7 | Surkh Tope (Caves at) |