(Tamenglong North - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

The generally hollow but, on the other hand, somewhat »massive cave of Tharaon« (BHATTACHARJI, R 2002: 217), has not only been interpreted as »caves probably formed owing to the weathering of the rock« but also are »five in number« and occur in a sandstone of the Barail Series (SINGH, M J 1991: 128). On top of that, it is possibly one of the few "caves" (or interconnected cave passages forming one cave) in the known world, of which a schematic ground plan or »map of the entire cave is engraved and painted on a stone at the main entrance« (tamenglong.nic.in/tourist.htm accessed 2005.12.28). ETYMOLOGY: »The villagers called the cave Kalemki, "the house of bats" [SINGH, M J 1991: 128]« but gentlemen with prehistorian tastes prefer to call this item after the village of »Tharon … about two kms« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128) south from the cave(s).So far, I saw this complex of interconnected cave entrances and passages referred to, called, spelled, edited or printed as Kalamkimagu SINGH, M J (1991: 128) Kalemkimagu Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] (1980-81 / 1983: 44) Kalemki SINGH, M J (1991: 128) Thalon cave e-pao.net (accessed 2014.10.09): Thalon_200912_2_6.jpg Tharaon Cave BHATTACHARJI, R (2002: 217) Tharom SINGH, M J (1991: 130 referring to SINGH, O K 1980.12.30: Tool gazing at Tharom.- Resistance, Imphal)Tharon Cave Site Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] (1980-81 / 1983: 44); SINGH, M J (1991: 128). SITUATION: At a travelling distance of 27 km along the road from Tamenglong (N25°00': E093°30') north-east and at an unspecified distance of 2 km (perhaps in a direct line or along a winding route) allegedly »north« (SINGH, M J 1991) of a village referred to as Tharon, Tharom, or Tharaon (note 1). SITUATION 1983: »North of the Tharon village at a distance of about 3 km. A stream Kalemkimagu is flowing near the site …« (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1980-81 / 1983: 44). SITUATION 1991: »… at a distance of about two kms to the north of Tharon village in the West District [renamed: Tamenglong district] of Manipur … The altitude of the cave site is 3200 feet [975 m] … The rock type of the area is sandstone of Bariel [sic! qua: Barail] Series. A stream called Kalamkimagu is flowing on the southern side in front of the caves« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128). SITUATION 2001: »Just slightly off the 156 km long Imphal-Tamenglong road [note 2] from Kangpokpi [note 3] comes the massive cave of Tharaon« (BHATTACHARJI, R 2002: 217).CAVE DESCRIPTION 1991: The »… caves, probably formed by the weathering of the rock, are five in number [note 4]. One cave is very long and looks like a channel . While exploring the cave, one flake tool and fine [five?] pebble tools of Haobinhian affinity were discovered« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128). CULTURAL HISTORY - archaeology: »O. Kumar Singh and Th. Angou Singh of the State Archaeology. Government of Manipur, assisted by two Research Assistants explored Tharon with a view to determining the archaeological potentiality of the area. The exploration brought to light a cave site to the north of the Tharon village at a distance of about 3 km. A stream Kalemkimagu is flowing near the site and exploration along this stream yielded patinated edge-ground pebble tools, scraper, scraper on flake, proto-handaxes (?) and an elliptical pebble with grinding faces. … The tools, showing patina, are made of fine sandstone« (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1980-81 / 1983: 44). »Archaeological findings have revealed that Manipur was inhabited by prehistoric man since stone age. Cultural relics of pre- and post-historic period are found from many caves and open-air sites. Mention may be made of the discovery of caves at Kangkhui (Ukhrul District), Sangbu (Chandel District), Tharon (Tamenglong District), [and open air sites at] Nongpok Keithelmanbi (Senapati District), Mongjam (Imphal District) and Wangoo (Bishnupur District). The palaeolithic man lived in caves while the Neolithic lived in open-air sites. Neolithic man reached the Manipur Valley at least not later than 2000 B.C. Recent archaeological findings at Tharon cave and Napachik etc. in Manipur point to the existence of a Mon-Khmer speaking Australoid-Mongoloid people in Manipur who migrated to this land before the arrival of the Tibeto-Burman speakers« (mastec.nic.in/manipeople.htm accessed 2005.12.28) CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use / hide-out: »It is rumored, that the Rani Gaidinliu [note 5] and her supprters operated from here during the Zeliangrong uprising (note 6) from 1930 to 1932« (BHATTACHARJI, R 2002: 217). CAVE LIFE & ETYMOLOGY: The Manipuri noun "kalemki" is said to translate as »house of bats« and can be interpreted to indicate rather the presence than the absence of bats (Chiroptera).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

NOTE 1: The name of the village in »West District« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128), renamed Tamenglong, is probably not only found spelled as Thalon e-pao.net (accessed 2014.10.09) Tharaon BHATTACHARJI, R (2002: 217) Tharom SINGH, M J (1991: 130 referring to SINGH, O K 1980.12.30) Tharon Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1980-1981 (1983: 44); SINGH, M J (1991: 128) Tharon near (±2.5 km) N25°03' : E093°32'30” (AMS sheet NG46-11 Imphal, U502 series, 1856 edition); mastec.nic.in/manipeople.htm (accessed 2005.12.28). NOTE 2: One problem is that neither of the two roads from Imphal (N24°49': E093°57') generally west to Tamenglong (N25°00': E093°30') is 156 km long (BHATTACHARJI, R 2002: 217) but either 55 km long (via Khebuching) or, via Tamei, 92 km long (India Road Atlas, Eicher Goodearth 2006: 47). NOTE 3: The other problem is that Kangpokpi (N25°08': E093°58') lies somewhere else, viz. 44 km (India Road Atlas, Eicher Goodearth 2006: 47) along the road (NH39) from Imphal (N24°49': E093°57') north towards Kohima (N25°40': E094°07'). NOTE 4: This »number of five caves« may point out that there is one solitary cave passage in which five distinguishable nooks, corners or parts have been distinguished. NOTE 5: »Troops were sent out to all the three districts in which the Kacha Naga country fell - Manipur, Naga Hills and North Cachar. Outposts were set at strategic points; searches were instituted; patrols went out; and local movement between villages was sternly restricted. But Gaidiliu, piloted by her North Cachar agent, Masang of Kepelo, remained at large. The bulk of the Zemi were on her side, and those who were not were afraid to speak. The country was a warren of game- trails, field-tracks, paths, caves, forests and ravines. Every settlement had its own private ways, its back entrances revealed to none, its secret hide-outs. Abetting villages signalled, by beacon, the movements of patrols. She came and went like a ghost. To make things worse, she was often present only in spirit, and panting sepoys, sent out on the best information found Nagas dancing solemnly before an empty throne« (GRAHAM BOWER, U 1950: 48-49). NOTE 6: The »Zemei« (also: Zemi), Liangmei and Rongmei Nagas (also called the Kacha Nagas) had banded "ze", "liang" and "rong" together to form »Zeliangrong« (BHATTACHARJI, R 2002). Neil Sootinck, however, told me (Shillong 2003.06.16 personal correspondence) that »the Zeliangrong religion like any other is a traditional religion. But the identity of the faith is in relation to other faiths of the world is yet to be established. The census of India In 1961 tried to give a name to this religion , but ... Heraka is the name of the reformed cult developed by the Rani Jadonang by Tinkao Ragwang through Haipou Bhaomei Bishnu at the holy caves of Bishnu at the Bhuvan hills of Assam in 1931. Heraka means “Pure” in Zeme.«


Bibliography 30/03/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1979 December: »Another significant exploration in December, 1979, by the State Archaeology Department of Manipur … detected the Tharon cave sites« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128). 1980-1981: »O. Kumar Singh and Th. Angou Singh of the State Archaeology. Government of Manipur, assisted by two Research Assistants explored Tharon with a view to determining the archaeological potentiality of the area. The exploration brought to light a cave site to the north of the Tharon village at a distance of about 3 km« (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1980-81 / 1983: 44).1981: Later, »in 1981 by the members of "The committee on writing regional composite history" … While exploring the cave, one flake tool and fine pebble tools of Haobinhian affinity were discovered« (SINGH, M J 1991: 128 probably after Puruttva - Bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, No. 13, 14, 1981-83). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
14.9MAGULONG (Cave near)
25.3NENGLO (Aperture below)
27.5DIMAPUR (Cave at)
37.9Kounu Hill, Chirang (Cave on a)
49.0NURSING DURWAZA (Hole at the)
79.6KHONOMA (Hole at)