Cave PL20 - CM0220

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 100m Profondeur 75m
Grottocenter / carte


On the western end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao massif. The cave entrance is situated in a small karst doline amongst grass and bushes. After passing the Hmong village on the trail from Dent Nyat Khat to the highest peak of the massif, the path traverses the lower part of the northern slopes of the summit at an altitude of 2,150 m to where it reaches the bottom of a valley more or less at an altitude of 1,700 m. Approximately 300 m before the end of the grass bank a path branches off to the left and after 80 m reaches a poppy field. Just before the field the entrance is on the right hand side. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

The east-west entrance hole descends to a depth of 21.5 m in a nicely washed pitch. Heading down in a north-west direction a passage leads to the next 12 m deep pitch. A short, nearly horizontal, passage then leads to the next pitch which is 22.5 m deep. The next passage runs south-east and within a few metres reaches a crossroads, from which the north-west passage ends in a small pool (1 x 0.5 m), the north-east passage soon closes down and to the south-east and south-west are the final two pitches which are the deepest part of the cave. In this part there is a lot mud though water is present there only in the form of perculation. On the passage walls there is flowstone and cave coral.


Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

Grade UISv2 3-3-A PARMA, CHRISTIAN (1988) "Expedition Polonaise Chiang Dao '87" Spelunca No. 30 p9 (French)


Bibliography 02/07/2019
[Topo] Cave PL20 01/05/2019


The cave was explored on 12 February by Z. Szczepkowski and T. Swider Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

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