Shaft NA0097

Longueur 9m Profondeur 9m
Grottocenter / carte


From the road back down the hill from Ban Mani Phruk there is a good track leading north. Take this track to the doline which is about 500m from the road. Martin Ellis - 07/10/2020


Martin Ellis - 07/10/2020

This blind, elongated shaft is between 5m and 9m deep. The shaft is blocked with rocks at the deepest point.


Bibliography 07/10/2020
  • Ellis, Martin (2014d) "Ban Mani Phruk Expedition 2014" Shepton Mallet Caving Club 53pp Ellis, Martin (2015b) "Ban Mani Phruk Expeditions 2012-2014, Nan, Thailand" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 13 No. 4 pp146-185 Ellis, Martin (2015d) "Caves of Doi Phuka National Park" privately published, April 2015, 81pp Sandford, Estelle (2015) "Thailand 2014" The Belfry Bulletin No. 553 Vol. 60 No. 2 pp6-16


The shaft was located by the SMCC on 19 February 2014. It was descended by another SMCC team on 26 February 2014. Martin Ellis - 07/10/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.5Sink NA0098
0.5Cave NA00966427
0.8Sink NA0099
0.8Cave NA009552
1.1Shaft NA0070 - NA007088
1.1Huai Nam Dan Sink - NA0046
1.1Shaft NA0071 - NA00712620
1.2Tham Nam Dan - NA004510039
1.3Shaft NA013311749