Santisuk Natural Bridge (Tham) [LB0121]

(โคกสลุง - TH)
Grottocenter / carte


On Khao Wong which is south of the H3326, 1.5km west of the junction with the H1 in Ban Nong Muang. Right of the path to Tham Santisuk. Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020


Brief description

Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

In the cliff below Tham Santisuk is a half cave and the natural bridge.


The cave was explored by Alexander Thoma on 4 April 2013. Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Santisuk (Tham) [LB0108]
1.2Tham Don Dueng - LB0119758
1.3LB0140 (Cave)
1.4LB0141 (Cave)
1.8LB0142 (Shaft)2828
1.9Mea Pho Lap (Tham) [LB0044]20822
3.1Thong Sittharam (Tham) [LB0057]12915
5.3Tham Khao Krachiao - LB005510113
7.9Morakhot (Tham) [LB0138]9210