Sop Ngae (Tham) [MH0179}

Longueur 45m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


In a cliff on the east bank ot the Salween river about 3 km upstream of Ban Sop Ngae. Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020



Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020

Surveyed by A. Seveau to unknown grade. ZEITOUN, VAL+RY; FORESTIER, HUBERT; NAKBUNLANG, SUPAPORN (2008)


Bibliography 03/06/2020


When discovered by Charles Keyes in 1968 the cave contained historic Shan/Burman manuscripts. Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
5.8Pho So (Tham) [MH0302]
6.0Pho So (Tham) [MH0288]
8.5Tham Mi - MH0300
9.0Tham Sua - MH0301
9.8Tham Ko Koa - MH0295
10.4Tham Pha Daeng - MH029820060
14.3Tham Cha Row Tae De - MH0297
17.8Tham Huai Pa - MH0294
35.6Tham Phra Boran - MH0290300