Tham Stit - KA0399

Longueur 25m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Short description

Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019

A large rockshelter 60 meters wide and 25 meters deep containing archaeological remains including stone tools and potsherds.


Bibliography 18/09/2019
  • +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney +KANCHANAGAMA, PREECHA (1987) "Report on The Archaeological Survey at Upper Quae Yai River (Nam Chon)" Fine Arts Department, Bangkok, 21pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.0Cave KA0446 - KA0446
1.0Huai Tong Thai Sink - KA044433198
1.2Bad Air Hole [KA0447]
1.4Shaft KA0448 - KA04481515
1.5Huai du Ngae Sink - KA0455
3.0Shaft KA457 - KA04571010
3.5Tham Mahuema - KA0445274125
3.5Resurgence KA0449 - KA0449
3.6Tham Pha Khao [KA0574]6019