LAR IH 1 (Krem)

(Umrangso - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The first out of the three known cave entrances, which give access to the first cave called Krem Lar Ih, is suspected to function as a seasonal sink that drains a seasonal, locally south-west to north-east flowing stream from the surface into a rift cave entrance (1.2 m wide, 2.5 m high, facing north-west) where a descent drops 5 m vertically down (note 1) into a relatively narrow cave passage (on average 1.2 m wide and 1.8 m high), which seems to be perennially moist (note 2) and contains the horizontal bed of a perennially active stream which, however, soon disappears in an inexplicable way from the view (modified after Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011; Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc). Passing by this fully uninvestigated sink, the cave passege continues and ascends gradually to an upper level cave passage, where it passes by one Entrance 2 gully (Arbenz T 2011.08.20 LahrIh1plan.pdf), which is the Krem –>Lar Ih Entrance 2 gully, and proceeds generally west to an area where 1st) the floor is downed under water, 2nd) the ceiling houses a bat roost with an estimated 100 individuals, 3rd) turns clockwise towards south-west, and 4th) merges with the meandering cave passage, which enters and descends from Entrance 3 (Arbenz T 2011.08.20 LahrIh1plan.pdf), the third known cave entrance (Krem –>Lar Ih 1.3) represented by a 4 m wide and 7 m high daylight aven (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). The cave contains not only unspecified secondary calcite deposits (speleothems) but also sand and rounded gravel (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011) that can be interpreted to testify either a kind of seasonal drainage or an abandoned fluvial activity. ETYMOLOGY: No specific cave name has been identified for this cave, which was christend Krem Lar Ih because the area is called Lar Ih (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K.Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011) or, apparently, something along the lines of ripe omen or clear [month of] August (note 3). SITUATION: All of the three known cave entrances to Krem Lar Ih 1 lie in unidentified spatial relations to several cave entrances in a closure called Lar Ih (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011), which lies east of the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m) but opposite across the Kopili and not only above the orographically right bank of the river but also in a terrain officially falling into the North Cachar District (Assam). APPROACH (identical with the approach to Krem –>Lar Ih 2): To reach the first cave entrance to Krem Lar Ih 1 from the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m) from the jetty (25°25'49.1”N: 92°36'15.1”E: 717 m) on the orographically left (locally western) bank of the Kopili River (26°15'N: 92°10$*E) and about 1.5 km in a direct line ESE from the village of Kseh, cross the river by boat (ask a briew lieng, in short: 'riewlieng; boatman) for the opposite, orographically right (locally eastern) bank and proceed for an unspecified walking distance along a … foot path in a straight line towards east. At the first junction [at an unidentified GPS position] turn left [in an unidentifified direction]. The path goes [for an unspecified walking distance] first downhill and then [for an unspecified walking distance] uphill into [an unidentified] the next valley (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011.02.23: Narrow meandering stream cave - average dimensions: w1.2m x h1.8m for a lengh of 205 m [sic!]. Then the passages gets low, to crawling size. The low part goes on for another 100 m and comes to an exit in an open pit (w4m x h7m) at a GPS position of N25°26'20.4”: E092°36'46.6” (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Dal 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011.02.22: A narrow meandering streamway gains after a walking distance of 250 m (sic!) the survey station 1/41 on a rock on the floor at which point the ultrasuperhigh precision grade Xc survey (Arbenz T 2011.08.20 LahrIh1plan.pdf) was abandoned as the pencil was spent and no sharpener was available. Beyond is a Bat Chamber, after which a crawl appears to continue (Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Tuesday 22nd February 2011). TACKLE: It has been recommended to bring a 5 m ladder if entry is planned through the pitches at either end (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). PROSPECTS: Selected aspects of a preliminary topographical survey of the known parts of this cave was completed on 23rd Feb 2011 (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss). SPELEOMETRY: The total length of the cave [survey] was 349 m (Cdr. Vijay Chhikara and Oana Chachula in: Arbenz, T. et al. 2011.03.27 unated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Wednesday 23rd February). CULTURAL HISTORY: None known (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss).CAVE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011) reported that Brian D Kharpran Daly (more likely: Oana Chachula) had noticed in February 2001 not only a day roost with an estimated 100 individual bats (Chiroptera conf. Hipposideros, conf. Rhinopholus) but also unspecified spiders [Aranea: Arachnida], crickets [Orthoptera], snot gobblers [larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae], bufo [toad], millipeds [Myriapoda]. 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011.02.22: A narrow meandering streamway gains after a walking distance of 250 m (sic!) the survey station 1/41 on a rock on the floor at which point the ultrasuperhigh precision grade Xc survey (Arbenz T 2011.08.20 LahrIh1plan.pdf) was abandoned as the pencil was spent and no sharpener was available. Beyond is a Bat Chamber, after which a crawl appears to continue (Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Tuesday 22nd February 2011). TACKLE: It has been recommended to bring a 5 m ladder if entry is planned through the pitches at either end (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). PROSPECTS: Selected aspects of a preliminary topographical survey of the known parts of this cave was completed on 23rd Feb 2011 (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss). SPELEOMETRY: The total length of the cave [survey] was 349 m (Cdr. Vijay Chhikara and Oana Chachula in: Arbenz, T. et al. 2011.03.27 unated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Wednesday 23rd February). CULTURAL HISTORY: None known (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss).CAVE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011) reported that Brian D Kharpran Daly (more likely: Oana Chachula) had noticed in February 2001 not only a day roost with an estimated 100 individual bats (Chiroptera conf. Hipposideros, conf. Rhinopholus) but also unspecified spiders [Aranea: Arachnida], crickets [Orthoptera], snot gobblers [larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae], bufo [toad], millipeds [Myriapoda].


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2011.02.14, trip 1: Mynlin Manar, who was in February 2011 the Kseh village headman, guided Cdr. Vijay Chhikara, Oana Chachula (sketching) and Brian D. Kharpran Daly to one of the cave entrances of Krem Lar Ih 1, where they commenced to survey (DistoX / Toporobot) the first 250 m of survey length (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). Brian, Oana and Vijay, led by Mynlin Manar, went into Assam, to an area called Lar Ih, where a number of cave entrances were shown. One of the entrances, Krem Lar Ih 1, was explored through a narrow meandering streamway and 250 m surveyed up to station 1/41 as the pencil was spent and no sharpener was available. Beyond this point is a Bat Chamber, after which the passage appears to continue as a crawl (Arbenz, T. et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Tuesday 22nd February 2011). 2011.02.15, trip 2: Cdr. Vijay Chhikara, Oana Chachula (sketching) and Brian D. Kharpran Daly surveyed (istoX / Toporobot) another 99 m of survey length (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011). On the other hand, we are told that the cave survey commenced seven days after its closure: 22nd Feb 2011: V. Chhikara, BK Daly, O. Chachula, guide Mynlin Manar. Started the Survey (250 m) -- 15th Feb 2011: V. Chhikara, BK Daly, O. Chachula finished the survey (99 m) (Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 Mss: Brian K. Daly 23st Feb. 2011 Krem Lar Ih 1, 22.2.2011).2011.02.23, trip 3: Cdr. Vijay Chhikara and Oana Chachula (sketching) returned … to re-check survey stations [sic! qua: survey legs] and to continue exploration. Each of the survey stations [sic! qua: survey legs] was correct, but the problem was put down simply by ascribing it to mishandling the toporobot program [note 4]. They continued exploring about 13 new stations and reached the second entrance. The total length of the cave was 349 m (Arbenz, T. et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Wednesday 23r February). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1LAR IH 1.2 (Krem)
0.3LAR IH 2 (Krem)
0.3LAR IH 1.3 (Krem)
0.7UM U SIAR 3 (Krem)
0.7Um u Siar 2 (Krem)
0.7UM U SIAR 1 (Krem)
0.7UM U SIAR 4 (Krem)
1.2WAH BSEIÑ 1d (Krem)
1.2WAH BSEIÑ 1b (Krem)