Tham Yoi - LO0074

คอนสา (TH)
Longueur 40m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Wat Tham Yoi is a kilometre east of the H2108 from Ban Chiang Klom. On a bend to the right there is a sign point up the steps to the wat (no vehicle access). The sign says Wat Tham Ratdanawa Raa Ram and on the ESRI GPS map it is known as Wat Pha Tham Chiang Klo. From the wat the steps continue up the hill to a sala and then a path leads the final 50m up to the entrance. Martin Ellis - 16/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 16/03/2020

The 3m wide by 5m high entrance (with wild bee nest) descends into a couple of chambers that used to be used as a shrine and for meditation. The passages are surprisingly big as the cave is located right at the top of the hill.


Bibliography 16/03/2020
  • VOGT, NILS B. (2013) "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand: A Picture-Guide Book" Booksmango, Bangkok ISBN 978-616-222-160-6 214pp


The cave was first explored in June 2009 by the SMCC. 2009-06-06 (M. Ellis, T. Bolger) Martin Ellis - 16/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.5Khao Dee (Tham) [LO0148]
3.6Tham Wang Pha - LO0073
12.0Tham Pha Sam Yod [LO0207]
13.1Mued (Tham) [LO0145]
13.3Tham Huai Lao - LO0065300
13.4Tham Saeng Tham Phrommawat - LO0071
13.4Tham Phra - LO0084
13.4Tham Huai Na - LO0085
13.4Tham Phan Chan Dai - LO0086