(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A pothole / doline with walk in entrance (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2) considered a dig at the base of a rift that was initially still going (Brooks 2005.02.25 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc) but later was found to be too tight (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls) and declared finished (Brooks 2005.02.26 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc). SITUATION: Not only in an incomprehensible setting but also at a location which lies in an unknowable spatial relation (note 1) to each and every of all the other cave entrances in the same vicinity (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls; Brooks 2005.02.25 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc; Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). APPROACH: From Shnongrim village, take Shaktiman track towards Kut Sutiang and three pots are located in the pine grove on the left after circa 10 minutes walk (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.1: Walk in entrance at south east side of 15 m deep dolne leads into open pothole c. 10 m wide by circa 20 m long. At N.W. end is a choked sink. A scramble above leads to circa 63 m of generally crawling (dry) stream passage dug open at several places and ending too tight with boulder choke above. Unsurveyed as explorer was alone (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.2: I rigged a ladder down from the eyehole at K.K.2 which reached the floor about 7 m don. On descending I found that the large passage to the right had a walk-in entrance! The c. 10 m wide by c.20 m long pot/doline had a choked sink in the floor at the end with a scramble above into c. 63 m of generally crawling in a streamway (dry) with bouldery crawls above ending too small or choked. I had to dig it in several places. I then came out of the walk-in entrance (Jarratt 2005.02.05 Mss -Cave Log- vol. 12: 22, 25(2/05). Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt (2005.02.25 Mss -Logbook- vol. 13: 22) narrates having discovered at Krem Khurisha 2 …63 m of generally crawling streamway (Jarratt 2005.02.25 Mss -Logbook- vol. 13: 22, online: accessed 2008.12.05). CAVE CONTENTS: Unspecified deposits of secondary calcite (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). CAVE LIFE: bats, Heteropoda (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2) in the sense of featureless Chiroptera in addition to spiders reminiscent of Heteropoda sp.63 m of generally crawling streamway (Jarratt 2005.02.25 Mss -Logbook- vol. 13: 22, online: accessed 2008.12.05). CAVE CONTENTS: Unspecified deposits of secondary calcite (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). CAVE LIFE: bats, Heteropoda (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2) in the sense of featureless Chiroptera in addition to spiders reminiscent of Heteropoda sp.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.28: Robin F. Sheen (2004.02.28 Mss 28/02/04) noticed other sinks in the locality of –>Wah Thylliang. 2005.02.24: Raplang Shangpliang guided Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Quentin 'Cooper' Cowper and Fraser W. Simpson to the entrance of a cave initially called Krem Kurisha but later Krem Khurisha (Jarratt 2005.02.26 Mss: Krem [deleted Kurisha] Khurisha 2). 2005.02.25: Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss 'Cave Log' vol. 12: 22, 24/2/05) rigged a ladder down, explored on his own, of course not without avoiding to dig it in several places. Jarratt (2005.02.25 Mss) confirms: Explored on 25/2/05 by A. Jarratt on solo trip. Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc) had the impression Quentin Cowper [i.e. Cooper] … found two more entrances nearby [Krem –>Khurisha 1]. Peter [Ludwig] and Jrat [Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt] rigged most … Later in the day Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss 'Cave Log' vol. 12: 22, 24/2/05) and Pter Ludwig both revisited K.K.2 for a GPS fix which he failed to record! Jarratt himself did not record any GPS readings but Quentin also solo visited this cave to make sure this is not the productive day we expected. 2005.02.26: Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc): Quentin and Gregory [D. Diengdoh] finished Krem Kurisha 2 (a dig at the base of a rift). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0KHURISHA 3 (Krem)
0.0KHURISHA 1 (Krem)
0.1KHURISHA (Krem)
0.1KHURISHA 4 (Krem)
0.3UM SUBA (Krem)
0.4SOH SYLLE (Neumann 2003) (Krem)