Cave KR0299

Longueur 75m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


The small entrance is at the base of the cliff approx. 200 m south of the H4205 in Ao Luek Noi. There is an awkward climb up to the entrance as gravel extraction has removed the slope. Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019


Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

The cave is very hot and humid. The entrance opens into a small chamber. On the left a route through stall reaches a descent to a chamber with a seasonal pool. On the right a short climb down (be careful of the false floor) leads to the chamber with the seasonal pool. Before this a scree slope ascends on the right to a second entrance. The cave is heavily decorated, mainly with dry formations.


2013-01-24 (M. Ellis, P. Collett, G. Washburn) Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.7Tham Yo - KR0061
4.3Kansai (Tham) [KR0238]037
4.6Tham Yung - KR0142
4.8Tham Khlang - KR006286746
5.2Tham Ko Ka Rot - KR0009
7.3Tham Sra Yuon Thong - KR002072165
7.6Tham Klang Lod [Ko Garos Caves] [KR0168]
7.6Tham Klong Sai [KR0301]
7.6Tham Bot - KR0143