Big Knob Cave [MH0324]

Grottocenter / carte


Located in a small, isolated hill at the northern edge of Ban Tham, opposite the turning to Ban Muang Paen. Access is via a footpath around the back of the hill and up through the remant of forest to the summit. The cave is on the western side of the hill Martin Ellis - 12/07/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2020

The cave is well decorated and has coffins.


Bibliography 12/07/2020
  • Saminpanya, Seriwat; Bavornyospiwat, Natamon; Homklin, Sunisa; Danyutthapolchai, Sumalee; Bupparenoo, Pimtida (2016) "Physical and chemical properties of the ancient glass beads from the highland log-coffin culture and the lowland areas, Thailand: Considerations on their colors and technology" Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Vol. 8 pp366-380 Weare, Robin (2014) "Mud maps and caves in Thailand" Presentation at Hidden Earth 2014

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.4Tham Nam Hu - MH024641010
1.1Tham Ban Tham North - MH0034200
1.3Cave MH0003 - MH000325
1.3Tham Lod Overhang - MH026920
1.4Tham Hued - MH003313653
1.6Tham Lod - MH0001166620
1.8Christmas (Tham) [MH0109]47550
2.1Tham Hair - MH01591000
2.3Cave MH0041 - MH0041