Lan Hin Pum Crevice Cave 2 - PS0035

Grottocenter / carte


Martin Ellis - 20/05/2019

At least four caves (PS0034 û PS0036) have been recorded from the centre of the Phu Hin Rongkhla National Park. The mode of formation is similar to that described at the Lan Hin Tak Crevice Caves (PS0042) although the crevices are deeper and appear to carry drainage from several square kilometres upstream. The surface of this sandstone pseudo-karst area is characterised by ôbuttonö rocks (pedastals).


Bibliography 20/05/2019
  • +ANON. (1983) Tourist Magazine 1 Oct 1983 +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +ELLIS, MARTIN (2005) "Some Caves in Thailand Part 2" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 11 No. 8 pp342-357 +Gillieson, David S. (1997) "Tropical caves in retrospect and prospect" Progress in Physical Geography Vol. 11 No. 4 pp511-532 +ODELL, BILL (1985) "Karstformer I Thailand 2: Bogazgrottorna I Po Hin Long Gla" Grottan Vol. 20 No. 1 pp27-31


1991 J. Dunkley Martin Ellis - 20/05/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Lan Hin Pum Crevice Cave 1 - PS0034
0.0Lan Hin Pum Crevice Cave 3 - PS0036
0.0Lan Hin Pum Crevice Cave 4 - PS0037
1.1Cave PS006480
1.1Air Raid Shelter Cave No. 2 [PS0039]85
1.5Lan Hin Tak Crevice Caves - PS0042
2.4Air Raid Shelter Cave No. 1 [PS0038]150
8.5Tham Khra - PS0011
10.3Ban Huai (Tham) [PS0006]