Shaft PL05 - CM0205

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 69m Profondeur 50m
Grottocenter / carte


On the eastern end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao summit plateau. The entrance to the cave is located in the jungle. Take the lower path from the campsite for a few hundred metres up to where the path becomes horizontal. The entrance is in the jungle, between large boulders. Go left into the jungle for a distance of 337 m on a bearing of 239¦ deg. Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019

The manhole sized entrance is a 5m deep pitch that goes straight to a 21m pitch. At the bottom a rift branches off to the SE and is a high narrow meander thet connects to the upper part of the P21. The continuation of the main cave as a rift with two 8m pitches leading to the bottom part of the cave which is a horizontal passage heading NE. The bottom is covering in clastic deposits and dust. At a depth of 37m there is an intermediate inlet meander in which animal bones were found. There are no speleothems.


Bibliography 01/07/2019
[Topo] Shaft PL05 01/05/2019


The first exploration was carried out by A. Pietrzyk, W. Rudlof and T. Swider on 5 February Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019

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