Tham Jak Dtor 2 - MH0175

Longueur 120m Profondeur 40m
Grottocenter / carte


In a deep depression to the south of Tham Jak Dtor. Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020


Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020

The chamber at the bottom of the doline is not high (1 to 2.5m) and very inclined. The floor is covered in blocks of earth. The cave was not explored in detail and carbon dioxide could be felt at the bottom of the doline. A third doline further south was not explored.


Martin Ellis - 03/06/2020

DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1988) - UIS Grade 2


Bibliography 03/06/2020
  • DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1988) "ExpÚditions Tha´ 87-Tha´ 88" Association PyrÚnÚenne de SpÚlÚologie, Toulouse ISBN 2-906273-02-3 DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2Tham Jak Dtor - MH017448365
1.2Cave MH0098 - MH0098
1.3Tham Russi - MH0097100
1.4Plah (Tham) [MH0096]100
1.8Nam Ru Hua Koa (Tham) [MH0099]180615
3.2Cave MH0100 - MH0100
3.3Cave MH0182 - MH0182200
3.3Cave MH0183 - MH0183
12.4Cave MH0219 - MH02191010