Put Son Sink - CH0095

Grottocenter / carte


This is the sink for the Chee Dan. It is about 500m downstream from Chee Dan Resurgence. Martin Ellis - 23/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 23/06/2019

No cave was found when the sink was visited by the APS in 1987.


Bibliography 23/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Put Son - CH0039105
0.2Lam Chi Resurgence - CH0040
0.3Chi Dan Resurgence [Chee Dan Resuregence] [CH0038]
1.0Tham Pha Sod [Broken Rock Cave] [CH0037]11535
1.7Tham Pha Khao [Cave of the White Mountain] [CH0036]44450
2.0Cave CH0046 [Grotte des Regrets ] [CH0046]5020
3.2Tham Men [Porcupine Cave] [CH0035]15040
3.3Tham Lam Chi - CH003330010
3.5Tham Pha Thewada - CH00228000