WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 2nd (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Three aligned, nearly vertical rift cave entrances give access to a seasonal sink that most likely feeds the first Krem –>Wah Sarang (Nongkhlieh). SITUATION (Brooks 2000.02.17 Mss): The cave entrances (note 1) lie estimated 300 m north and more likely 127 m north-east (note 2) of the upstream entrance (insurgence) of Krem –>Wah Sarang 1 (Litang), on the far side of the ridge (which ridge?). APPROACH (Brooks 2000.02.17 Mss): From the upstream entrance to Krem –>Wah Sarang no.1, take a footpath over the ridge in a northerly direction. On reaching the far side of the ridge, the entrance is located on the right in an obvious depression (20 by 15 m) on the edge of the hill and an adjacent field. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2000a: A rift (2 m wide, 20 m high) is partly blocked by boulders and offers three points of entry. The central one is the safest and easiest. A climb down of 3 m enters a rift passage that runs NNW - SSE. A 12 m long section of walking passage ends in a hole in the floor leading t a low, sumped bedding area. To the SSE the passage runs for 9 m to a collapsed area (note 3) (Brooks 2000.02.17 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2000b: The nearby vertical drop entrance of Wah Sarong II was descended to a short section of grotty canyon passage and a wet, presumably sumped bedding plane which was not entered (Jarratt 2002.02.15 Mss: Cave Log 2000: 15/2/00). PROSPECTS: The bedding at end of cave appeares to sump. CAVE CLIMATE: No draught (air current, air flow). a low, sumped bedding area. To the SSE the passage runs for 9 m to a collapsed area (note 3) (Brooks 2000.02.17 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2000b: The nearby vertical drop entrance of Wah Sarong II was descended to a short section of grotty canyon passage and a wet, presumably sumped bedding plane which was not entered (Jarratt 2002.02.15 Mss: Cave Log 2000: 15/2/00). PROSPECTS: The bedding at end of cave appeares to sump. CAVE CLIMATE: No draught (air current, air flow).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2000.02.15, trip 1: Simon J. Brooks, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt and Kevin Garwood explored and 'surveyed' (sports caver standards) 19,73 to a degree yielding a 'survey' (total sum of survey leg lengths) but no cave survey (cave plan). 2008.02.14, trip 2: Joel, Axel, Henry and Jeff … looked for Krem Sarang 1, 2 and 3 but did not find them (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Thursday 14th February). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 1b, sink (Krem)
0.3WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 1a (Krem)
0.5WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 3rd (Krem)
0.5WAH SARANG, Nongkhlieh - Rya, 4th (Krem)
0.6KUI 3, resurgence (Krem U)
0.6KUI 2, shaft entrance (Krem U)
0.7KUJANG (Krem)
0.7KUI 1, insurgence (Krem U)
0.8DUKLI (Krem)