Tham Doi Kong Khao - CR0044

เชียงราย (TH)
Longueur 200m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Under Doi Khang Khao which is south of the river to the west of Chiang Rai town. The cave is behind the Boi Hang police box. Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

There is a multi- layered cave to visit within the grounds û go up the steps that are directly behind the parking area. Take a torch or lighter or switch on the electrics at the connection box yourself (on the concrete pole to the left front of the steps up to the cave entrance). There are a few bats, shrines and about 200 metres of beautiful water worn tunnels to admire with sand covered floors.


Bibliography 10/08/2019

Cavités proche

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