Tham Pha Plong - CM0003

เมืองงาย (TH)
Longueur 25m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Drive past Tham Chiang Dao and follow the road left where it forks (there is a sign post). The road ends at a large car park from where many steps lead up to the shrine and chedi. Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019

This is a much venerated and developed pilgrimage site. The shrine is in a short cave formed under boulders. Nearby by is a chedi with the ashes of Ajarn Poo.


Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019

Snails:- Type locality for Perrottetia aquilonaris Siriboon & Panha, 2013 [on surface]


Bibliography 25/06/2019


2007-01-11 (M. Ellis, Y. Sopha) 2010-09-08 (N. Likhitrakarn) Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.1Tham Ki Nok - CM000269576
1.2White Buddha Cave [Tham Bia] [Grotte du Boudha blanc] [CM0022]11011
1.2Cave CHD14 - CM0064100
1.3Tham Pak Piang [Tham Pak Pbiang] [Tham Pok Piang] [CM0020]9018
1.3Sua Dao (Tham) [Tham Sia Dao] [Tham Tai Ger] [Grotte du Tigre} [CM0004]1162
1.3Chiang Dao (Tham) [CM0001]517043
1.3Tham Ngorb - CM0160
1.4Tham Pak Sung [Tham Pok Soong] [Tham Pbak Sung] [CM0021]200
1.7Cave PL29 - CM02295632