KRANG 2 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A cave entrance without identified shape, dimensions and noticed characteristics appears to lie somewhere in the Krang area on the eastern side of the Shnongrim ridge and was fully understood to give access to a pothole without observed peculiarities. ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for what was, chronologically sorted, called Krem Krang 1 (Sheen 2002.02.22 Mss), Cave D (Ware & Harries 2002.02.25 Mss), Blind Shaft Close to Raining Out Cave (Sheen 2002.02.22 Mss; 2004.11.11 Mss) and Aforementioned Shaft (Harries 2002.06.10 personal correspondence). SITUATION 1 (Sheen 2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Krang 2): About 50 m ENE from stream sinks at the left hand side of a walk in open grike. SITUATION 2 ( Harries 2002.06.10 personal correspondence): … close to Raining Out Cave … I think it was a short distance east of Raining Out Cave and probably corresponds to Robin's Krem Krang 2 … Me and Fiona went to look at the Raining Out Cave entrance on the penultimate day as Robin had dentified it as having good potential. Unfortunately the coordinates of Raining Out Cave and a neighbouring entrance had been transposed on the cave record sheets so we ended up following the GPS to the aforementioned blind shaft … The coordinates on the record sheets were later corrected … I'm not sure if Robin's map is based on the corrected coordinates or if it still has the mistake. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Sheen 2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Krang 2): A pot maybe of interest … would appeae to be related to the sink for the more northerly gulley. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Harries 2002.06.10 personal correspondence): A blind shaft. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (after Sheen 2004.11.11: Ground plan Krem Krang Plan and section Krem Krang Elevation horizontally projected to 304°): A north-east / south-west trending pothole cave entrance (approximately 2 m wide and 4 m long) to a shaft (19 m? deep) dropping to a ledge strewn with boulder slabs from where a 9 m-drop south-east descends to what looks like a level hamber (about 4 m wide, 12 m long, trending NE / SW) with a floor covered with sandy mud. The south-west wall of the chamber consists of a steep calcite [speleothem] slope [which, situated some 10 or 12 m in a direct line due south of the entrance], has been climbed [but offers] no way on.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.22: Robin F. Sheen and his son Ruben Sheen paid a visit, in company with the then Shillong youngsters Brian Khyriem, Bat Kupar Lyngwa and Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong. 2002.02.25: Fiona J. Ware, Daniel B. Harries and Lindsay B. Diengdoh descended and surveyed: Me and Fiona went to look at the Raining Out Cave entrance on the penultimate day as Robin had identified it as having good potential. Unfortunately the coordinates of Raining Out Cave and a neighbouring entrance had been transposed on the cave record sheets so we ended up following the GPS to the aforementioned blind shaft. We then found the entrance to the real Raining Out Cave and surveyed until we ran out of rope. The coordinates on the record sheets were later corrected… I'm not sure if Robin's map is based on the corrected coordinates of if it still has the mistake (Harries, Daniel B. 2002.06.10, personal correspondence). 2004.11.11: Robin F. Sheen forwarded a ground plan (scale circa 1:133) titled Krem Krang Plan and an attempted section (scale circa 1: 145) titled Krem Krang Elevation horizontally projected to 304°. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1KRANG 1 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE B (Sheen 2002)
0.2No Name Cave (Ware and Bayley 2002) 2nd
0.2WAH LUKO 2 (Krem)
0.2WAH LUKO 2b (Krem)
0.2WAH LUKO 1 (Krem)
0.2RATAP (Krem poh)
0.2AA CAVE E (Sheen 2002)
0.2AA CAVE (Ware & Bayley) 1st